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The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild ByLaws

Revised:  February 9, 2023


Article I:  Name and Location

The name of this organization shall be The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild, also referred to as OMQG, Orlando MQG, or The Guild.  The Guild's home is in Orlando, Florida, with members from all the surrounding areas.


Article II:  Purposes/Mission Statement

The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild, a Chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild, is a non-profit organization formed to:

  • inspire and support our members in their enjoyment of and growth in quilt making;

  • educate our members with an emphasis on the modern aesthetic through programs and activities;

  • promote an interest in and appreciation of the art of quilt making, especially in a no-rules modern approach to fabric arts;

  • assist our community by creating quilts and other fabric projects for those in need.

Article III:  Membership

    I.    Membership is open to any person who agrees to the purposes of The Guild, completes the membership form, and pays the annual dues.

   II.    The Membership Year begins March 1 and ends the last day of February.

  III.    Membership dues are set by the Board and currently are $55 annually with the fiscal year running from the first day of March to the last day of February.  Prospective members can attend one meeting or sew day for free.  Members joining The Guild between the first of November and the end of February will pay a prorated rate of $35.  Members can be terminated for cause by a majority vote of the Board.

   IV.    Orlando MQG membership includes membership in The Modern Quilt Guild.

    V.    Members are allowed entry to general meetings at no additional cost except for special programs.  Extra costs may be necessary for speaking engagements, workshops, field trips, etc.  If a program is open to persons outside of The Guild, members typically pay a reduced fee.

   VI.    Members will be provided with a Membership Directory with the understanding that it is to be used only for Guild purposes and not for commercial gain, solicitation, or fraudulent reasons.  Member information will not be given or sold to outside entities.

  VII.    Members are allowed the opportunity to vote in any elections, participate in all general meeting activities such as Block of the Month, Swaps, Bees, Show and Tell, Sew Days, etc. as part of the annual dues.

 VIII.    Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month from 10 am to 12 noon at The Sewing Studio in Maitland, Florida.  Sew days typically are held once a month at the Dr. Phillips Branch Library in Orlando and once a month at the Maitland Library in Maitland.  Meeting information is posted on The Guild's blog with pertinent details.  Additional Sew Days may be added with Board approval.

   IX.    Any meeting held in the name of The Guild needs Board approval.


Article IV:  Officers and Board Structure

    I.    The President, and in his/her absence the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings.

   II.    Officer elections are held each year for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Community Outreach Coordinator, Education Coordinator, and Member at Large.  Officers serve a term of one year.

  III.    A person may serve two consecutive terms in a position.  If a person serve two consecutive terms in a position, she/he may not run again for the same position for two years.

   IV.    Position descriptions and responsibilities include:


President (Elected by the Members)

The President's primary functions are overseeing the smooth running of the entire Guild and making sure The Guild's mission and purpose are being followed.  The President must feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people.  Knowledge of technology and social media is important.  Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Tasks include, but are not limited to:


  • Arranges for, schedules, and facilitates general meetings, sew days, and board meetings.

  • Assists, coordinates, and approves the planning of monthly meetings and sew days.

  • Prepares and posts the agenda for monthly Guild meetings and board meetings.

  • Actively participates in leadership and decisions about topics such as annual planning, programs, events, challenges, budgeting and membership.

  • Takes suggestions from all members under advisement, discusses relevant issues with the Board, and works with individuals as needed.

  • Maintains the Guild's email account by checking email activity frequently, replying to all emails in a timely manner, and shares relevant email information with the Board.

  • Coordinates and shares information with the Social Media Chairperson/Committee in maintaining The Guild's social media accounts.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings and Guild programs.


Vice President (Elected by the Members)

The VP's primary functions are assisting the President in overseeing smooth running of The Guild and coordinating monthly programs with the Program Coordinator.  The VP must feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people.  Knowledge of technology and social media is important.  Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Perform the duties of the President if needed, including running the monthly meeting.

  • Responsible for programs at monthly Guild meetings including the Block Lotto, any challenges, swaps, member demos, etc. with input from the Monthly Program Coordinator plans and prepares recommendations for Board approval.

  • Assists the Block Lotto Committee to ensure there are monthly blocks ready to show at meetings and instructions are posted on our website.

  • Actively recruits member and guest speakers for meeting demos and presentations on topics of interest especially as they relate to modern quilting style and techniques.

  • Along with the other officers, actively participates in leadership and decisions about topics such as annual planning, programs, events, challenges, budgeting and membership.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


Secretary (Elected by the Members)

The Secretary's primary functions are documenting the activities of The Guild and communicating information within and outside The Guild.  The Secretary must be knowledgeable in taking pictures and posting information online.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Takes notes and photos at monthly meetings.

  • Posts monthly minutes to The Guild's blog including announcements, Guild business, presentations, show and tell, etc.

  • Assists in maintaining The Guild's social media accounts.

  • Along with the other officers, actively participates in leadership and decisions about topics such as annual planning, programs, events, challenges, budgeting and membership.

  • Corresponds as necessary with organizations who have dealing with The Guild.

  • Corresponds as necessary with members within The Guild.

  • Maintains documentation of sign-in sheets, Agendas, minutes, etc.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.

  • Coordinates monthly newsletter publication.


Treasurer (Elected by the Members)

The Treasurer's primary functions are maintaining The Guild's finances, membership records and official paperwork.  The Treasurer must be knowledgeable in bookkeeping and computer software to generate monthly financial records.  The Treasurer must be comfortable in navigating The Modern Quilt Guild community website.  Knowledge or technology and social media is required.   Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Maintains The Guild's bank account, making deposits and paying bills in a timely manner.

  • Manages participating lists for any activity (such as classes or retreats) where money is collected.  Ensures all bills are paid for each event.

  • Prepares draft budget for upcoming fiscal year in January, approves final fiscal year budget in March.

  • Prepares reports for monthly meetings and board meetings.

  • Communicates brief financial updates at monthly general meetings.

  • Handles membership dues collection throughout the year.

  • Maintains membership records including new membership forms, spreadsheet/database of updated members, and membership directory.

  • Coordinates with The Modern Quilt Guild regarding our Guild's membership including adding new members to the MQG Community site monthly and filing/paying our annual dues to The Modern Quilt Guild annually.

  • Files all required official paperwork and tax returns (including Sunbiz and IRS form 990N) in a timely manner and retains these official receipts and forms for seven years.

  • Along with the other officers, actively participates in leadership and decisions about topics such as annual planning, programs, events challenges budgeting and membership.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


Community Outreach Coordinator (Elected by the Members)

Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Reports regularly to The Board regarding current and proposed charity projects.

  • Coordinates approved charity project(s) and promotes philanthropy for The Guild in accordance with our Mission Statement.

  • Provides encouragement and instruction to members to fulfill charity projects.

  • Utilizes appropriate social media resources to keep members aware of charity projects.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


Education Coordinator (Elected by the Members)

Must be comfortable communicating with prospective teachers.  Organization and follow through is a must.  Knowledge of technology and social media required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Actively research and recruit teachers, guest speakers, and program events for special Guild programs and workshops with a focus on the modern quilt aesthetic.

  • Communicates above information to the Board for approval.

  • Based on Board approval, arranges contract, travel and other necessary details to bring guest to Guild.

  • Hosts visiting educator by coordinating all needs while he/she is in town to teach, including picking up from airport, hotel, meals, travel to/from class location and any other contractual obligations.

  • Communicates program and event information for members through email and/or our social media platforms.

  • Works closely with Treasurer on all financial details.

  • Copies Treasurer on contracts.

  • Communicates regularly with the Board on upcoming speakers and status of planned speakers.

  • Supports the planning, implementation, maintenance and documentation of The Guild's public programs and educational initiatives.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


Member-at-Large (Elected by the Members)

The Member-at-Large represents and is accountable to the general membership.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Communicates regularly with the Board on member suggestions.

  • Manages the Mentoring Program for new members.

  • Takes suggestions from all members under advisement, discusses relevant issues with the Board, and works with individuals as needed.

  • Along with the other officers, actively participates in leadership and decisions and topics such as annual planning, programs, events, challenges, budgeting and membership.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


Founding Officers (Board Position)

The founding officers serve on the Board and consist of the original President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who maintain their Guild membership.  As of 12/1/15 the founding officers are Rene' Martinez (founding President) and Michele Lancaster (founding Treasurer).  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Actively participates in leadership and decisions about topics such as annual planning, programs, events, challenges, budgeting and membership.

  • Assists the Guild Officers and Committee Chairs with meetings, projects and events as needed.

  • Assists with the transitioning of outgoing and incoming officers.

  • Responsible for password maintenance of all social media accounts.

  • Provide checks and balances by receiving the Guild's bank statements and assisting in filing annual reports.

  • Reserves the community room at the Dr. Phillips Library for monthly sew days.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings, sew days, board meetings, and Guild programs.


    V.    The Orlando MQG Board consists of all elected officers listed above, plus all founding officers who maintain continuous membership.  The Board will convene quarterly.  Additional meetings of the Board may be scheduled as warranted.  Each Board member has one vote for board decisions.  A vote of one more than half of the Board constitutes a quorum for voting and decision making purposes.

   VI.   The Board may spend up to $50 for an Orlando MQG member that has gone above and beyond for the Guild and our Community if the majority of the Board vote to agree.

   VII.    Standing Committees or Coordinator positions can be appointed by a majority of the Board and the responsibilities are described and designated by such.  Committee Chairs or Coordinators are invited to Board meetings as needed to make proposals and to participate in discussions.  Excluding the Community Outreach Coordinator and the Education Coordinator, these are non-voting positions.  The Board can create new Standing Committees as needed.  Standing Committees include:


Monthly Program Coordinator (Board-Appointed Position)

Works closely with the Vice President to plan programs for the monthly Guild meetings and oversees those relevant Committees including Block Lotto and Challenges/Swaps Committees.  Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Actively recruits members or guest speakers to share demonstrations, information, techniques, etc. with a focus on the modern quilt aesthetic at our monthly Guild meetings.

  • Actively works on future months' programs, events, projects, challenges and Block Lotto to ensure a steady stream of activities.

  • Coordinates giveaways, challenges or events based on the programs presented.

  • Works closely with and communicates all of the above to the Vice President for monthly Guild meeting planning.

  • Communicates regularly with the Board on upcoming monthly programs.

  • Attends meetings of the Board as needed to make proposals to the Board on monthly programs.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings and sew days.


Block Lotto Committee (Board-Appointed Position)

Assists the Monthly Program Coordinator.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Communicates information to the Monthly Program Coordinator and Vice President.

  • Members of this Committee rotate selecting a modern block to make for the Guild's monthly block lotto.

  • Provides information to Social Media Committee prior to monthly meeting for making the blocks.

  • Shows a sample at each Guild meeting of the following month's block.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings and sew days.


Challenges/Swaps Coordinator (Board-Appointed Position)

Assists the Monthly Program Coordinator.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Actively solicits ideas for upcoming challenges and swaps with a focus on the modern quilt aesthetic and communicates those ideas to the Board for approval.

  • Coordinates with the Monthly Program Coordinator and Vice President regarding proposed and upcoming challenges and swaps.

  • Communicates Board-approved challenges and swaps to the members.

  • Utilizes appropriate social media resources to keep members aware of upcoming challenges/swaps.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings.


Mentor Program (Board-Appointed Position)

Currently run by the Member-at-Large, this program matches interested new Guild members with existing Guild members.


Election Process Committee (Board-Appointed Position)

Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Follows the guidelines set forth in the Bylaws to ensure a smooth election process and transition of officers.


Librarian (Board-Appointed Position)

Organization is necessary and follow through is a must.  Knowledge of technology and social media is required.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Maintains all Guild quilt books and ensures they are returned timely and in good condition.

  • Maintains accurate and current records of Guild book inventory, including lists of books checked out to members.

  • Receives an annual budget for book purchases.

  • Attends monthly meetings.


Social Media Committee (Board-Appointed Position)

Assists the Founding Officers in maintaining all social media accounts.  Knowledge of technology and social media is a must.  Tasks include but are not limited to:


  • Working with Officers and other chairpersons, assists in posting information to all social media platforms including the Guild's blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr and Periscope accounts.

  • Assists in maintaining the Guild's website, making sure the calendar is updated, links are current, blog authors are added/deleted, blog posts are published, inquiries are answered, etc.

  • Assists in the maintenance of all social media accounts by posting current information, following, responding and interacting with others as relevant and necessary.

  • Assists in the running of the Guild's Facebook group, Pinterest and Flickr groups by adding relevant members, posting current information and overseeing appropriate content.

  • Attends monthly Guild meetings.


Article V:  Election Process

    I.    The Board will appoint an Election Process Committee consisting of three members in good standing in November.

   II.    The Election Process Committee will present at the December meeting when nominations will open and stay open until December 20.  Members in good standing may submit their name, or with permission, a name of a member to the Committee.  All positions will be considered individually.

  III.    Candidates will present themselves for the desired role at the January meeting.

   IV.    Voting will be held at the February meeting by secret ballot prepared by the Election Process Committee.  Absentee voting will be offered with votes submitted to a designated Election Process Committee member by the Sunday at midnight before the February meeting.

    V.    A simple majority of votes cast is needed for a candidate to be elected.  Results will be shared at the February meeting with the newly elected officers taking over at the March meeting.

   IV.    If an Officer leaves midterm the position replacement will be made by the majority vote of the Board members.


Article VI:  Audit

An internal audit shall be conducted at the end of each budget year by an audit committee appointed by the Board, which shall include a non-Board member.


Article VII:  Insurance

The Guild will purchase and maintain general liability and Directors & Officers insurance each year covering general liability of the Guild and D&O insurance covering each member of the Board and their spouses.


Article VIII:  Anti-Discrimination Policy

The Guild will not discriminate and will take measures to ensure against discrimination in membership, hiring of teachers or other independent contractors, compensation, termination, and other conditions of membership or hiring against any applicant or independent contractor on the bases of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender, or any other legally protected characteristics.


Article IX:  Anti-Harassment Policy

The Guild is committed in all areas to providing an environment that is free from harassment.  Harassment based upon an individual's race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or any other legally protected characteristics will not be tolerated.  All members are expected and required to abide by this policy.  No person will be adversely affected in membership with the Guild as a result of bringing complaints of unlawful harassment.


Article X:  Amendment of the Bylaws

The Bylaws can be amended by a majority of the Board members.

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