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The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild has a strong history in supporting the greater Orlando community through outreach programs.

2024 Featured Program: Harbor House

Harbor House works to prevent and eliminate domestic abuse in Central Florida by providing critical life-saving services to survivors, implementing and advancing best practices, and educating and engaging the community in a united front. They are unique in that they offer shelter not only for human survivors of domestic abuse and their children, but their animal companions as well. Studies show that survivors are less likely to leave their abuser unless they
can take their pets with them.


Orlando Modern Quilt Guild is providing quilts to be gifted to both adults and children. Members can make a quilt or pick up a quilt kit (top, back, and batting) at one of our general meetings to


Ongoing Community Outreach Projects

We have several projects that carry from year to year - there is no shortage of ways to get involved!

Placemats for Meals on Wheels

Placemats are given to Meals on Wheels recipients for their birthday.


If you have batting scraps, one of our members will assemble them into placemat batting!

Take-Home Kits

Quilt top, back, and batting are provided - they just need to be quilted and bound. Kits are brought to our meetings, feel free to pick one up to complete it!


These quilts are donated both to our ongoing outreach partners and as a response to calls for quilts received in the wake of natural disasters and tragedy.


We are making pillowcases for the Orlando Union Rescue Mission who offers services to help the homeless get back on their feet as well as for Harbor House.

Cat Mats

Need to practice free motion quilting? Did your placemat not turn out how you wanted? The animals will love it either way!

Cat mats and Dog beds are provided to Harbor House. 

Dog Bed Stuffing

Orange and Seminole County animal shelters accept donations of dog beds stuffed with scraps. Bring bagged scraps to our General Meeting to contribute!

Drawstring Bags

Bags are given to the Legal Aid Society for foster kids who are aging out of the system and need something to carry their belongings.

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