Orlando MQG General Meeting Minutes
Held via Zoom – 28 participants
Ede announcements:
September meeting will be virtual again (only 3 weeks away)
Maitland Library in-person sew days resumed – next meeting September 13
Sewing Studio exchange day – Monday August 16 at 10am
Marge education update:
Jacquie Gering not able to come in September – working on alternatives – please hold tight
Retreat – still time to sign up; ballroom enables social distancing; may wear masks
Kathy treasurer report:
Kathy provided information on the income and expenses of the Guild
12 people signed up for each of the Gering classes
Programming event – Quilt Olympics:
name the quilter
name the quilt blocks
name the fabric designer
Michele and Mary tied with 13 correct!
Show and Tell - pictures grabbed during the Zoom meeting!
Kate - selvedges quilt
Pamela - bag
Jolyn - 2 quilts
Jane - last year's QAL finished
Julie - fire quilt