The Call for Blocks committee was created a few years ago in response to the outpour of generosity of the International Quilting Community to our Quilts for Pulse drive. Our Guild Board felt that we needed to have a stash of quilts ready to be sent whenever the need to bring comfort after a tragedy occurs.
Since the committee has been launched, we have sent quilts to Vegas, North Carolina, Colorado, Nebraska, Christchurch...
This year, Connie, Julie and Laurie have stepped up to be the Call for Blocks chairs and have selected a simple block for our drive: Road to Tennessee. The block is straight forward, but creates a myriad of design possibilities... We particularly love the fact that it could be arranged in X and Os, creating a 'Hugs and Kisses' pattern.
The directions to make the Road of Tennessee blocks are HERE.
The specifics we are asking for are:
cut the large square 7 1/2 inches using red or grey; fabric can be a print but should be mostly grey or red;
cut the two small squares 4 1/2 inches using white or tone-on-tone white.
So let's get sewing and bring your blocks to any