OMQG Meeting Meetings12-5-201210:00 AM to 12 NoonSewing Studio in Maitland
I. Sign In, Meet and Greet13 members were in attendanceThe meeting was conducted by Linda.
II. Raffle Basket-We are skipping December and the November winner will bring the Raffle Basket to the January Meeting.
III. For our holiday celebration we had wonderful assorted finger foods through out the meeting and the formal meeting was followed by a social hour.
IV. Block of the Month
The December Blocks were won by Alejandrina.
Michele showed a sample of the January Block. It is to be done in Orange, Blue and Purple on a white background; 12.5 inches unfinished. A
tutorialis now available on the OMQG website.
V. Classes and Other Business
Attendees of the Carolyn Friedlander class discussed the class and Mary showed the blocks she created with Carolyn's pattern.
It was also announced that there will be a class with
Ellen Linderon double reverse applique in February. More information to come.
A suggestion was made that the guild either purchase a sample card for Kona Cotton solid fabrics or perhaps ask if the fabric company would donate a color card to the guild.
The upcoming Modern Quilt Guild challenge using Madrona Road fabric by Violet Craft for Michael Miller was briefly discussed. We hope to have the fabric available for participants at the January Meeting.
Mary was asked and agreed to do a discussion at the February meeting on her experiences with pattern making/publishing.
V. Show and Tell
VI. Optional Holiday Gift Exchange
When possible the gift maker and the recipient were photographed together.