Improv Christmas Trees
This month's BOM is an improv Christmas tree block! I saw a blog post by Wombat Quilt's that inspired me. Her guild made improv tree blocks for a donation quilt, and I decided that would be perfect for us for a Christmas quilt!
Her blog post link:
Wombat Quilt's Wonky Tree InstructionsOnce you read that post, just kind of use it as your inspiration and do your own thing! The only "rules" to this month's BOM are as follows:
Colors: Green, triangle tree. Can be solid or prints, its up to you, just needs to be green and a triangle. Can be one whole piece as the triangle, but I think improv pieced triangles would look best, it's up to you. White/cream/low volume background. Any and/or all for the background pieces, all one or mix it up, it's up to you. Brown, solid or pieced for the trunk piece, it's up to you.
Size: 7"-12", it's up to you. Does NOT need to be square, can also be a rectangle, it's up to you. Also, the tree can be large or small, but please leave at least a 1/4" from the top of the tree to the top of the block so we can attach the blocks together :)
Below are two photos, one of My improv piecing right after I cut it into a triangle, and one of the block finished. Let's get to tree making!! I want to see short trees and tall trees and skinny trees and fat trees!! Its up to you! (See a theme??!!) Merry Christmas y'all :)
Happy Sewing!