General Meeting
December 5, 2018 10am
The Sewing Studio Classroom
President Sarah opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests(Hi to Sue, Linda, and John).
The Guild has a few events to kick off 2019.
January Events
Maitland Library and the theme is Curves. Mary Sm has been collecting quilts and will set up the display.
Member at Large - Jane led the Ice Breaker to help collect quilts for the two upcoming exhibits. It worked! We got all spots filled.
Elections Committee - Karol gave an update on the elections committee progress and the need for a couple positions to be filled. Contact Karol or Julia by December 20th if you are interesting in running for a board position.
Susan won this month's blocks.
Rene presented her Block of the Month, a polaroid block. Make a bunch of these quick little blocks for a chance to win them all.
Cre-Active project 4 will be shared in January and project #3 will be shared in February.
Interest GroupsVice President Paula invited members to share the progress of the interest groups. Dar shared her Scrappy Quilt-a-long finish.
Karol shared her blocks she asked for in her Improv Bee.
Paula shared her tree blocks for Queen Bee Says.
Ede announced for Modern Sunset Quilt-a-long that there are 3 more blocks and then finishing. January the group will add the border. Bring your finished blocks or quilt to the February meeting.
Treasurer Report was given by Zonetta.
- The Festival of Trees quilt raised over $4000 and was 2nd in raffle ticket collection. It was a very well received and worthwhile contribution each year. The Council for 101 truly appreciates our participation.
The Quilts for Pulse display boards that were at the History Center were shared and then given away in a lottery to those who were interested. They were won by: Jodi, Judy, Wendy, Rene, Morgan, Beth, Sharlene, and Paula.
A retreat survey will be going out to members about possible dates, locations and the option for a spring retreat.
Librarian Kelly shared 2 new books in the library. Transparency Quilts and Intentional Piecing. Check them out!
Michelle Wilkie's class is planned for April 6th. Look for sign-ups opening soon.
Door PrizesKarol won the Quilty Basket and will refill and bring it to the next meeting.
Jane led the Holiday Gift Exchange. Members brought their handmade gifts in unmarked paper bags. Members then formed a circle around the room and held a bag. As Jane read the "Night Before Christmas" members passed their bags to the left or right whenever those words were read. When the story was finished, you opened the gift you were still holding.
Some of the lovely and creative makes received.
The board gave gifts of fat quarters and candy canes. The basket was passed around and members picked one out.