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Five Easy Steps to Navigating Our Site

Nov 17, 2010

3 min read




Have you noticed our new look?  We have a new logo, banner header and button with warmer, richer colors!  There have been several questions about our new site including how to post comments, becoming a Follower, and where to find certain information.  I thought this would be a good opportunity to tell you in five easy steps how to navigate our site.  Here goes:

  1. Bookmark our site for easy reference (and to save time in typing the long name next time).  The site address is  Once you are here, at the top of your internet browser, click on Bookmarks then Add Bookmark and then you can name the bookmark (Orlando Modern Quilt Guild) and choose where to save it (Bookmark Folder).

  2. Explore the tabs underneath our header.  Home is the main page with the recent posts and tons of information.  About Us explains all about the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild, our mission and how to email us.  Calendarlists dates of upcoming events and links to past event details. Links has shortcuts to many great sources including our Flickr page, an email form if you'd like to ask us a question or leave a comment, online shops, tutorials and other interesting sites of interest.  FAQsanswers common questions such as "what is modern quilting", "when are the meetings", "what do I get for joining" to name a few.  How to Joinprovides information on joining our guild.

  3. Check out the sidebar boxes for great information and links.  On the left side you will see Upcoming Events (information on our next get together), Discussions (clicking on a topic takes you directly to that discussion),  Member Blogs (lists, by most recent post, links to our members who have their own blogs), Followers (shows people who have become Followers....see #5).  On the right side you will find Welcome to the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild (shows our awesome blog button), What We've Made (has five random pictures from our Flickr group as well as a link to Flickr), Project Modern (links you to information on Project Modern), Modern Quilt Guild (clicking on the button takes you to the main Modern Quilt Guild site), Officers, Blog Archive (place to find older posts).

  4. Read the latest post and leave a comment (you can read older ones too).  Posts are listed by date with the most recent one first.  Sometimes there will be a link in the body of the post taking you to another place of interest.  At the bottom of the post you will see "Posted by..." and "1 comments" (number of comments already made for this post).  Clicking on the "1 comments" will take you to a page for reading comments left by others and for leaving a comment yourself.  Type your comment in the Post a Comment box.  Here is where it has gotten tricky for some of you:  There is a drop down menu for "Comment as".  There are several options for selecting a Profile, but the main ones are Google Account, Name/URL and Anonymous.  If you do not have a Google Account you can select Name/URL which brings up a box for Name and URL.  YOU ONLY HAVE TO ENTER A do not have to enter a URL.  If you choose to enter Anonymous, please "sign" your name at the bottom.  Click the Post Comment button and you should see a message saying "your comment has been published".  If not, hit the Preview button and then the Post Comment button.

  5. Become a Follower.  Click on the Follow button under Become a Follower.  You can sign in using a Google, Twitter or Yahoo account.  If you do not have one, there is an easy link to set up a Google account.

Print out these steps and keep them close to your computer for easy reference.

What do you think?  Was this easy to follow?  Would you like similar posts such as "How to post pictures to Flickr in 2 easy steps" or what about "How to set up a blog of my own"?  I sure hope this post was helpful.  Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see.

Nov 17, 2010

3 min read





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