Ede starts the meeting at 10:00 introducing guests and visitors.
SewDay - Oviedo location
Dar has secured the Casselberry Library for the Oviedo area SewDays. The library is bigger and hopefully we will be able to secure a regular time and day onto on their schedule. As a consequence, the June 29th Oviedo SewDay has been cancelled and is now scheduled on Saturday June 22nd at the new location. You don't have to bring your machine to SewDays, you can practice hand skills. Dar offers to
demonstrate a special appliqué technique which involves glue and mystery pointy tools.
Judy is collecting cooking recipes on behalf of Beth. If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, you can email your contribution to Beth.
Block of the Month
Marge is the winner of Hastag BOM.
Jeanne is presenting June Block Lotto: it is a very simple and fast technique to make 4 HSTs at once. Choose either a stripy fabric or make your own, and a white background.
The instructions are on the blog.
Jeanne’s tips: because the finished HST will be on the bias, it is better to starsh the fabric before cutting.Also, you are going to get 4 HSTs with this technique, giving 1 ticket for every HST.
Up cycling project - Drawstring bag for Legal Aid
It is heart breaking to know that
youngsters aging out of foster system
only receive a trash bag to pack their
Jan is asking members to make drawstring bags that will be donated to the Legal Aid for those
young people
. The bags can be made from scraps or one piece of fabric and any kind of string. Jan will also accept donation of fabric for this project. There is no deadline for this as it is an ongoing need. You can find the instructions on the blog.
Yanick reminds members that we have an up-cycling challenge for End of the Year party.
Treasurer report
In the absence of Zonetta, Yanick gives the financial report to the Guild members. Any questions can be sent to Zonetta.
Community Outreach
Kelly confirms that the Zebra Coalition teams have been set and emails sent to area coordinators. You can still join any groups, just contact Kelly.
In addition, the Guild will be acceptation twin-size quilts made by individuals. Pillow cases are also a good addition.
QuiltCon team is leaded by Kathy A. Please contact her if you want to take part.
Festival of Trees: Kate E. and Diane M. have
volunteered to lead this project. Get in touch with them if you want to contribute.
Call for blocks: We have sent comfort quilts to Oklahoma.Please keep the blocks coming, unfortunately there is always a need for more in order to keep our a well stocked inventory of comfort quilts. The details for the Tennessee block are HERE.
Due to the very short turn around, the Guild as a whole won’t have the opportunity to participate to the Call for blocks from the Virgina Beach Modern Quilt Guild. However, if you want to send block check their website.
We are still accepting
Place mats for Meals on wheels.
Alissa has extra kits from the Guicy Guice class if you want to buy it.
On the education pipeline, we have Amy Friend in March and Timna Tarr in April (her new class).
Claudia Dyer is having a sun printing class on 19th of June, morning at Beth's (Titusville area). This class has received a lot of interest, Claudia is kindly offering a second session (date to be determined). Whoever wants to join the second class can contact Beth.
Quilty basket
Filled with books, fat quarters, charm square packs, threads, Cmas fabric, pattern, wine chocolate. Thank you Kathy for bringing this. Marge is the lucky winner.
Door prizes
And we have more winners! Among the 56 members and guests in attendance, Laura, Judi, Sue, CC, Kara and one of our guests each won a door prize.
Tools and Quilting Notions Sales
It’s time to shop and socialised.
Show and Tell
No meeting will be complete without a show and tell. In addition to our members’ show’n’tell, we got to present quilts that have been made by UCF Social Justice and Advocacy group
in commemoration of the Pulse tragedy.
Here a short video of our members' Show'n'Tell and a very special guest!
Click on the Full screen button (rectangle at the bottom right of the screen) for a better video.