Hi Fellow Green Bees!
Did you know there actually are green bees? They are beautiful. Here's a pic I took at Lukas Nursery a few years ago:
Speaking of pictures...our May prompt is Black and White: Contrast and Negative Space. I've compiled a bunch of photos on my Pinterest board (
https://www.pinterest.com/cera979/black-and-white/) to serve as inspiration, but here's a few to get the ideas started:
So here's the specifics: I want to focus on these design concepts - contrast and negative space
(we're building skills this year, right?) (we're building skills this year, right?)
.I'm asking for blocks that are 12*18". Black and white or off white or very light grey. I do want solids or tone one tone.
Contrastis the key. Also, I want the black to be the
negative space...the background (as in the above photos). The white (or off white, or light grey) will highlight the form.
Your block does not need to represent literal forms, it can be totally abstract. They can be minimal, maximal, or anywhere in between. They will be "due" at the June meeting.
Ready to go? Great! Still unclear? No worries, call or email me. You can do this. Remember sometimes fewer parameters can actually create more of a challenge. I'm thinking this one might be a little more on the challenging side.