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Jacquie Gering Workshop - Day Two

Sep 3, 2013

1 min read




Jacquie Gering taught us her Stitch and Flip technique during Saturday's workshop.  We had a packed class of eager students.

Who knew there was so much you could do with blocks made with this method?!  Jacquie demonstrated stitch and flip, discussed the various types of blocks that are a result of the stitch and flip technique, showed examples of the various blocks, explained how they created movement depending on placement, and best of all, encouraged us to examine in detail her quilts.

In addition to quilts from her Quilting Modern book, Jacquie brought a few new ones like this mini quilt made with rectangular blocks.  Love the "low volume" background fabrics against the brights.

As with Friday's class, 

members went to work creating their own designs.  Below is a sampling of the process and progress made:

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Check out the

guild's Flickr page

to see more workshop photos.  Don't forget to upload any pictures you may have taken during Friday and Saturday's class.

Thank you Jacquie for an incredible two days full of learning fun!!!!

Sep 3, 2013

1 min read





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