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January BOM - Half Square Triangle

Jan 3, 2019

2 min read




In honor of this month’s program , “How to Get Out of a Creative Rut , or "I Lost my Sew-Jo", this block is the most humble but powerful Half Square Triangle . Easy to make , more difficult to decide how to design them ! In fact , did you know there is a class offered at Quilt Con this year in Nashville on the HST and how to design them ??! 

Please start with a 10 1/2 -Inch low volume white or cream  square and pair with a red or pink modern print , and do not trim. (it will be about a 10" when finished).  Since you’ll get two out of the pattern , make like 40 and increase your chances of winning ! Since it’s so easy , if we get lots of them , we’ll have two winners! 

The challenge will not be in making the blocks , but in the winner’s ability to make a terrific modern quilt top in the design of the HSTs.

It’s a simple, mind clearing block to make after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and if you win, you have a beautiful stash for an easy gift , you can make a quilt to wrap up in on Valentine’s Day , or to donate to a person in need of some quilt love . 

There is lots of months left to do a more complicated BOM , but this month , let's do easy and sew these blocks up! 

If by any chance you have not made a HST , and need the math, here is a handy chart for the traditional method of making 2 HST 's at a time :

Start with a 10.5 inch squares of fabric (usual size of the square acrylic template) and the winner can trim to approx  9 7/8 size .

Happy sewing ! 


FOR COLOR INSPIRATION - Any modern reds and pinks and white or cream low volume

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Jan 3, 2019

2 min read





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