President Marge Cree welcomed everyone to the July 6, 2022, Orlando MQG meeting at the Sewing Studio – we had a large crowd of in-person attendees!
Marge covered the following business items:
A reminder about signing up for the November Retreat soon so that we can get the sewing space for free.
Marge is working with past member Joy to sell off her fabric stash – sale will be sometime during the first week of August, but members can have a “pre-sale” review by reaching out to Marge; fabric will be sold by the yard, or by the pound for smaller pieces.
New meetings added in August and December; August will not have a program, but will be a social get-together at the Sewing Studio on FRIDAY, August 5, at 10am. Special Interest Groups can use the opportunity to get-together.
Check out the Casselberry sew days in the newsletter
The Guild has paid for our members to attend the offerings by the Global Quilt Connection on July 30 and 31; lots of ~30-minute presentations with interesting techniques; see the email sent out on June 28
A reminder about QuiltCon signups starting August 16
We met new member Rebecca Sickles, and welcomed back returning member Aradria Csercsevits. Sue Kenard (filling in for Kathy Aber) showed the pattern for the Festival of Trees quilt, and announced that our 2022 outreach organization is House Next Door ( ), making quilts for children ranging in age from 0 to 18, boys and girls, any size. We also are doing adult ‘aprons’ for the elderly – reach out to Beth Schmidt if you’re interested in getting the pattern.
Ellen Gordon is running the mystery quilt this year – she has designed a pattern and provided the first instruction sheet for choosing fabric. Instructions are on the blog HERE!
Cara Dobrev talked about the Special Interest Groups, and reminded members to check the newsletter and reach out to the leaders if you’re interested in joining in. The Block of the Month, a patriotic Wonky Star, was won by Paula Kennedy.
We had such an interesting presentation by Verushka Zarate of ! Verushka shared how she got into quilting, how she fell in love with foundation paper piecing, and a little bit on the process she uses – but also shared how she learned and grew with her skills with each quilt she made. We oohed and aahed at her beautiful work!
Finally, we had Show & Tell, where members showed their beautiful work.