Vice President Yanick ran today’s meeting in the absence of President Ede. She welcomed one new member, Suzanne, attending today for the first time, and one visitor, Sue.
Beth is still collecting favorite recipes and would like everyone to submit one. If you haven’t yet, please text or email your recipe to her. She is putting together a collection of them.
The August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 14th, instead of August 7th, because of an event at the Sewing Studio – so mark your calendars.
Treasurer’s Report Zonetta reported that the guild had expenses exceeding income in June, because of the Juice Juice class costs, but that our finances are still in good shape.
Outreach Report Kelly reminded everyone that we are making our first drop off of twin quilts to the Zebra Coalition in October, as part of our major project for the year. She said teams making quilts are already meeting but asked anyone wanting to join a team to contact her and she will get you into a team.
Kate reported that the Meals on Wheels placemat project continues; we have given them 62 so far this year and a total of 446 over the last two years.
Kathy is having a meeting of the QuiltCon Charity quilt committee after the meeting today.
Kate reported that the Festival of Trees committee has a prototype of a quilt with snowflakes and trees of blue, silver, and green, and they’ll be buying fabric tomorrow.
Call for BlocksWe are making Road to Tennessee blocks to send as blocks or quilts for future Calls for Blocks from elsewhere. Instructions are on the Blog, and anyone with blocks should get them to Connie, Julie, or Laurie.
EducationYanick reported that the Guicy Guice class in June was a success, and showed her 1st completed Moonstone block. A number of members spoke about what they learned and how interesting they found this EPP project – seeing many options in Guicy Guice’s pictures and finished blocks, learning the lingerie knot, sewing this project in public and discovering that many people will be curious about what you’re doing.
Yanick mentioned that the Sun Printing class with Claudia has taken place, and those who attended said they will show their results at the August meeting.
Debby announced a pin cushion swap of our guild with a sister guild, the South Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild. She passed around a signup sheet, and Yanick said you can find a form for it HERE. Sign up is due by the August meeting (8/14/19) with pin cushions due at the September meeting.
There will be a road trip later in September to deliver the pin cushions to the S2MQG.
Debby gave a brief history of pin cushions, beginning in the Middle Ages, when pins and needles were handmade and costly, and she showed several classic examples.
In Debra’s absence, Yanick reviewed the 10th anniversary theme for BOMs this year, that each should be made with either white or gray as one of the fabrics, and that makers should make two – one to turn in for BOM Lotto and one to keep for making into their own quilt of all of this year’s blocks.
Yanick reported that there will be special prizes in August, to increase participation in BOM, and encouraged everyone to make the block for August – a Curved Log Cabin. Instructions are on the blog and should be made with white or gray solid in the narrow log part of the block and bright colored solids in the other part. She advised anyone making Curved Log Cabin blocks to cut the strips first and that using a precise ¼” seam is crucial (not a scant ¼” seam), because if the seam allowance is not right, it won’t fit together right – if it fits, it’s right.
We are all challenged to make a name tag and wear it to the August meeting. There will be a special prize drawing for name tags, too.
Fall Fiber Festival – September 29 – 1-5 pmThe guild has been invited back to the Orlando Public Library’s Fall Fiber Festival, where we had sewing machines and demonstrations last year. Those who took part said it was very busy, many visitors asked questions and enjoyed the demonstrations, and that it was also a great way to see what other fiber arts organizations there are and what they do, such as the Orlando Costume Guild.
The guild needs someone to lead this project and volunteers to fill slots of any length. If interested in leading or volunteering, email by July 25th; we have to tell them “yes” or “no” by July 31st.
Library SpotlightAradria showed several new books and said 20 books were donated last month. She reminded everyone that you must be a member to check one out for a month and you must return it at the next meeting.
Marge, who won last time, showed the items in her basket, including several red, white and blue items, a book of baby quilts, a new magazine, chocolate and other great items. Debbe won the basket.
Paula gave a great program on photographing quilts, starting with a description of photographing the 1804 quilts of the guild’s Pulse project, which are now part of the Regional History Center’s collection on that horrific shooting in 2016. Her background includes interest since childhood in cameras and starting her photography business in 2006. While she has mostly worked in portraits, she has been working recently with guild member Lisa Ruble taking photographs for a quilting magazine that Lisa produces.
Paula's full presentation will be post on the blog very soon.
Door PrizesDoor prizes were won by Shelley and Debbe.
Members are asked to volunteer to share their tips on EPP, applique, Sashiko, and hand quilting by emailing the guild (Yanick).
Show and Tell