JUNE 3, 2015
The meeting opened with an icebreaker, advice to sew small one-inch blocks. Some cute advice given and hints were ‘sew straight, drink wine and don’t use such small blocks. Serious advice was to use gridded wonder under and sew in strips instead of individual blocks.
Yanick welcomed new guests Frank P. and Jane A. Twenty-seven members and guests were present.
Marge presented the current financial report with our current total balance of $6,934.50.
Debra A. won the blog post book.
Pat won the lovely raffle basket put together by Rene, there were nearly a record breaking number of tickets sold at twenty eight.
The Maitland Library Exhibit will be in October, with the theme ‘What is Modern Quilting? Several members volunteered for the committee, including Beth, Mary, Karol, Marge and Debra.
Sharleen presented the Mailtland Sew Day Charity project. It is a fabric backpack that will be given to the Orlando Womens’ and Children Center. Sharleen will have pre cut fabrics to help get the project started. The directions can be found at: presented information on the Maker Faire Orlando, it will be September 12-13, it is a chance for us to showcase what we love doing. We continue to need volunteers to participate, help set up, break down and have possible demo ideas. Please contact Yanick if you would like to join the fun.
The UFO challenge will be re-opened, expect another survey in which new members can list their UFO’s and those already on the list may have a chance to add any projects they neglected to list previously.
During show and tell Jodi showed an all pink quilt that was on her UFO list.
We are looking for a nice place to host our fall retreat, if you have any ideas, we would love to hear from you. Please email Debbe K. or Yanick.
Two more Alzheimer’s quilts were turned in. They will be accepted through July. Also we can begin accepting Wheelchair Art Quilts both at meetings and at The Sewing Studio, if you turn it in to the Sewing Studio, please take a photo and email it to the guild.
This fall Alissa will begin to organize beehives for some block swaps.
Also for this fall Beth announced a challenge or swap that will include UFO’s that you do not wish to finish, but instead trade of give to someone else to complete. Also she will organize a swap.
Yanick showed one more postcard she received from a guild member in Leesburg.
If anyone is interested in having a mentor please contact Marge. The mentor will help new guild members if they have any questions concerning the guild, blog, or the Modern Quilt Guild.
The Block of the Month was won by Marge, she asked to have another name drawn, her name was chosen a second time. Debra offered and Marge accepted to trade a future win with her.
Six door prizes were given today from The Cloth Pocket of Texas, who sponsored today’s meeting. We will put some advertisements on the blog and Instagram, so keep your eyes out for it.
Show and Tell
We Dismissed for Lunch to ‘Another Broken Egg’, about a dozen members said they would attend.