The March Meeting was held on March 2, 2011 from 10 am until Noon at the Sewing Studio in Maitland. There were 24 members and guests present. I. Rene welcomed members and guests. She explained the Block of the Month, January Meeting Minutes were approved and Michelle gave the Treasurer's Report. As of 3-1-11 the Guild fund balance was $217.65. March marks the start of the new Guild Year and so members are asked to renew their memberships by paying $50.00 in annual dues. II. Rene gave a detailed and helpful powerpoint presentation on the OMQG blog and Flickr group, including how to utilize them and how they extend and connect our local quilters to the quilt community on a national and international level. III. Alejandrina discussed her work to line up several programs or workshops for this year. The first one will be held on April 30th (our April Sew Day) with Tonya Ricucci from South Florida. Alejandrina passed around a list of Tonya's workshops and asked meeting attendees to indicate which workshop by Tonya they would be most interested in attending. Tonya is the recent author of Word Play Quilts: Easy Techniques from the UnRuly Quilter. Tonya has flickr groups for her quilts plus one for Word Play Quilts. You can read more information about her on her blog. An exciting possibility for an additional workshop is Valerie Goodwin of Tallahassee, Florida. For information about her work see her website. I believe she has been featured several times in Quilting Arts and you can see one of these articles here. Or check out her quilts on Facebook. Alejandrina is also working out a possible field trip to visit Lisa Mullins at her long arm quilt studio named Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio in Orlando. IV. BOMAlejandrina was the winner of the Block of the Month drawing.
V. Other Guild Business
Renewing Members were given one of the new tote bags with the guild logo.
The upcoming Sew-Cial was discussed. The hours of the event are 6:30 til 8:30 pm on Monday, March 21st at the Southwest (Dr. Phillips) Branch of the Orange County Library System. Members are asked to come by 5 pm to assist with the room set up and to contribute the quilts and resources you plan to share. Please rsvp so that we can get a reasonable estimate of the number of members who will be present. Let Hope know which quilts you plan to make available to display (think modern) and any resources (books, magazines etc.) you would like to loan for the event to display as favorite resources. We will also display our Kauffman Challenge quilt tops at the Sew-cial. Please invite any of your friends you think might be interested in becoming members and if you need flyers to display please contact Hope.
Door prizes were won by Sylvia and Leslie.
VI. Show and Tell: The pictures tell it all.