The March Orlando MQG general meeting was held on Wednesday, March 3 with an overview of QuiltCon presented by Debra Jalbert, Vice President, and a great discussion on quilt favorites of the Guild members.
Debra, who is not only a QuiltCon winner, but also a QuiltCon instructor, answered questions about the process of virtual teaching this year.
After the general discussion, small breakout rooms were held for socializing.
Some reminders:1. Time to renew your membership – information in the newsletter! 2. Sign-ups for the Carolina Oneto class are due April 1; Marge will send out materials list this week. The Orlando MQG annual retreat has been booked for November 4 to 8, 2021 at Ocean Walk – keep your eyes open for more information to come later! If you want to watch the full meeting, you can view it HERE on YouTube.