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May 2012 Block of the Month

Apr 1, 2012

1 min read




Another two-for-one little project for HST lovers! Here is the tutorial:

Wild Waves Tutorial

You end up with two 12 1/2 blocks, using white and bright colors from the scrap basket, YEAH. The tutorial is quite detailed, so there is not a lot to add except to share a couple of my experiences building the sample block.

First, after building the half white-half color squares, you are supposed to sew them to the 4 1/4 white squares (tutorial figure 4) When I put them right sides together, they did not match at all! The white 4 1/4 squares are larger than the HSTs:

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 Don't be alarmed, all is get to trim the excess later. I matched the color corner and sewed on.

Second, when it is time to trim down to 3 1/2 inches (tutorial figure 6), I trimmed all 4 sides so that the point of the color triangle is always exactly at the center of a 3 1/2 inch square on the ruler. Like this:

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You get perfect squares:

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That's all I have to add. It was FUN to do.

Apr 1, 2012

1 min read





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