MEETING MINUTESMAY 6, 2015MAITLAND, FL The meeting was called to order by President Yanick. 26 members and 2 guests were present, including Carole Lyles Shaw, who is our region representative to MQG! The ice-breaker fabric toss was won by Julia. TREASURER'S REPORTMarge reported a balance of $6771.50. BLOG POST WINNER.....was Alissa this month. RAFFLE BASKET.....was won by Rene.
Lyn from the Sewing Studio gave us some great tips and advice on machine maintenance.
Margaret Loomis spoke about our next charity project, which will be making wheelchair art quilts.
She showed many wonderful examples:
Oxygen tank covers are another great project.
Complete instructions for these projects will be posted on our blog shortly. Margaret stressed that all media used must be machine washable, and any enhancements must be completely sewed down. We will be collecting these at our meetings from June-Sept, although Margaret will happily accept them anytime after that as well.
More Alzheimer's activity mats were collected.
Our fabric postcard exchange was a success! 19 postcards will be swapped with two other guilds.
American Made Brand is sponsoring a mini-quilt challenge. Note that entries cannot appear on any social media prior to submission.
The Blogger's Quilt Festival takes place May 15-29. You do not have to have a blog to participate; you can win prizes just by posting!
Our guild will again be participating in the charity quilt challenge for Quiltcon 2016. The theme is "Improv-ing with Intent." More information will be coming at future meetings.
There will also be another Michael Miller Fabric Challenge at the next Quiltcon. A fabric challenge registration link will be sent to all MQG members Sat May 9 at 10 am, so if you wish to participate, make sure you're at your computer at that time, as the fabric bundles will go really fast! Note: if you are not receiving emails from MQG, contact Marge immediately so that she can verify your contact information.
A sew day for the Days For Girls project will take place at Wandering Stitches on May 18 from 10-3.
The Maitland Library has asked our guild to exhibit quilts in October. Yanick proposed the theme "What Modern Quilting Means To Me", and asked members to start thinking about projects and submissions. More details will be coming.
The May salon has been cancelled due to Mother's Day.
.....were won by Debra.
Meeting adjourned at 12 pm.