Hey y’all! I’m Alexis and I’ve been a member of the guild since January of this year. I’m currently in my last semester of undergrad at UCF and will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology next month. I’m originally a paper crafter and run an
Etsy store calledGrowingUpGoddess
selling notebooks & planners. I started sewing after receiving a sewing
machine for my 22nd birthday in August 2015 — so I’ve only been sewing for a few months.
One day in October of last year, I woke up and out of nowhere decided to make a quilt. I
have been obsessed ever since!
Being a member of this guild has brought me so much joy and inspiration and every day I am overwhelmed with enthusiasm about the Modern Quilt Guild and the fabulous art of quilting. Since I’m still so new to quilting and sewing in general, I feel like I learn something new every day — but I de
nitely dove head-
rst into the quilt life. To date, I have
ve blanket-sized quilts and a few smaller quilty projects. Our guild seems to be shocked and impressed by my speedy production, but I just jump into my projects with a lot of passion, no fear, and no expectation of perfection.
As someone who is so new to quilting, I am still wide-eyed and amazed at almost every project I see on Pinterest and Instagram and anywhere else I can
nd beautiful quilts to look at. I take inspiration from what I’ve learned as well as from my own life to design my quilts. Sometimes I see a combination of colors that I really love and work from there, and other times I begin the creative process with a shape or pattern of shapes. From that initial spark of inspiration I either sketch out a pattern or just go with the
ow and
gure it out as
I go.
Quilting has certainly been one of the best things I’ve ever had the pleasure of doing and I love the inspiration and fun I’ve experienced in our wonderful guild!