MEETING MINUTESMaitland, FLDec 2, 2015 President Yanick called the meeting to order. 38 members and 3 guests were present. Karen Farr, a Juki representative, demonstrated one of the new Juki long arm machines available at the Sewing Studio.
Marge noted that November's raffle basket total was a new record--$36! She has also prepared a line-item budget for 2016 that will shortly be submitted to the members for their approval.
.......was won by Alissa.
Kelly reported that the deadline is almost here! You must notify her of any completed quilts from your UFO list by no later than Dec 10 to be eligible for this year's prize. Winner will be announced at our holiday party.
Our annual party will take place on Sew Day at the Dr Phillips Library on Dec 19. If you'd like to participate in the gift exchange, bring a homemade gift that will fit in a brown paper lunch bag. We will also be having an Ugly Sweater Contest so break out your most hideous finery. And as always, bring a dish for the potluck, and as many sewing projects as you'd like to work on.
Our retreat last month was an overwhelming success--so much so that we have already booked the Kenilworth Lodge again for next year for Nov 3-6. If you would like to attend, and would like to set up a payment plan for the cost, please contact Marge.
Sharleen was thrilled and moved to announce that we have collected 238 pillows for National Guard soldiers so far! More pillowcases will be completed at this month's Maitland Sew Day. Kits for pillowcases can be purchased from Wandering Stitches ($7 for two); you can make them yourself, or just make a financial donation to the cause, and Kate will sew them together.
Sharleen also stated that in 2016, the guild will work on 3 or 4 time-limited charity projects, with possibly one year-long project as well.
A request was received from a local motorcycle club for a donation from our guild of a small, preferably motorcyle-themed quilt to be auctioned to help St. Jude's research. If you have something you would like to donate, please contact Yanick ASAP. (Note: Alejandrina and Mary Sm both came forward after the meeting and volunteered quilts to donate.)
A survey will soon be distributed to all OMQG members, asking questions about a wide range of topics pertaining to the guild. PLEASE take the time to fill it out and return. The guild is growing by leaps and bounds, and this will provide the board with valuable feedback.
QuiltFest will take place in Orlando Jan 7-9, 2016. Discounted tickets are available at the Sewing Studio. OMQG has been asked to provide a small, non-juried exhibit of our quilts. If you'd like to participate, please email a photo of the quilt(s) you'd like to have included to Yanick ASAP.
The OMQG is about to have its very own library, started with a very generous donation of books from Lucky Spool! Yanick will serve as our librarian. Starting in January, members will be able to check out books for one month. If there are books that you would like to see the guild purchase, please note that in our upcoming survey. If you do check out a Lucky Spool book, they have asked that you post a review of it on Amazon.
Debbie Z and Jackie presented an optional Christmas applique quilt project that will take place starting in January at Maitland Sew Days. Please contact Debbie Z for more information if you'd like to participate. (Note: copyright issues will be addressed and resolved prior to the start of this project.)
The fabric auction is returning, so start sorting through your stash for fabrics you've fallen out of love with. Consensus from the guild was that the auction should take place in March or April. Marge will start collecting donated fabric in January.
Members who took one of the UFO's brought in at our October meeting were asked to show the completed project in which they used the UFO.
.....was won by Cera (who unfortunately left before a picture could be taken.)
This year's committee consists of Zonetta (chair), Julia and Karol. Job descriptions for all board positions (which are elected positions) and committee chairs (who are appointed by the Board) have been posted on the blog. If you are interested in running or being considered for any of these positions, contact one of the election committee members, or one of the current Board members prior to the January meeting. Candidates will be introduced at the January meeting, and voting will take place at the February meeting. (Absentee ballots may be requested from Julia Jan 25-Feb 1.) The new Board will take over at the March meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40. Lunch followed at TR Fire Grill in Winter Park.