MEETING MINUTESSEPTEMBER 2, 2015MAITLAND, FLThe meeting was called to order by President Yanick. 37 members and 6 visitors and new members were present.
Marge reported that current assets are $6937.04.
.....was won by Alissa.
....was Frank. (I forgot to get a picture!)
Kelly passed around her list of submitted UFO projects so that members may update their completions. Remember it is not too late to join this year's UFO contest; complete the form on the blog. Each completed project will earn you a ticket for a lottery at our December meeting. Contact Kelly with questions.
Michelle and her committee are ready for
Maker Faire Orlando. Stop by the OMQG booth! (NOTE: due to the great response for Maker Faire this year, some participants, including OMQG, will be in the Orlando Museum of Art, rather than the Science Center.) Cara mentioned that OSC members may be eligible for a free MFO ticket; Marge mentioned that tickets purchased in advance online are less expensive than tickets purchased at the door.
Remember to bring your
unwanted UFO projectsto October's meeting! All projects will be raffled off to other OMQG members; they should be completed by their new owners and shown at our December meeting. You are not obligated to take home as many projects as you "donate"! Contact Beth with questions.
Karol is still collecting quilts for our
October exhibit at the Maitland Public Library.She will collect quilts at the Maitland Sew Day on on September 14, and later as well if necessary. If you have quilts that you would like to display, please contact Karol ASAP to arrange for a time to get them to her.
Sign up for
Carole Lyles Shaw's class on October 3took place. Class fee is $25, and will take place at the Dr Phillips Library from 10-4:30. As of this posting, there are still a few spaces available. Contact Marge ASAP if you would like to attend. See the August meeting minutes for the supply list for this class. Bring a potluck dish to share.
We are planning a
weekend quilting retreatat the Kenilworth Lodge in Sebring. Retreat will take place Nov 6-7. Rates will be $77 for a double room for the weekend, or $153 for a single, which includes breakfast. Please let Marge know as soon as possible if you would like her to reserve a space for you.
Payment will be required at our October meeting.
Alejandrina conducted a demonstration on how she uses pins placed along the seam lines to make sure that her pieces are correctly lined up while doing paper piecing. She also highly recommended the use of a roller to press seams while piecing.
Once again, we are donating a quilt to Orlando Museum of Art's Festival of Trees. Bags containing materials for the required blocks were distributed.
PLEASE remember that if you took a bag, you must return the completed blocks at the October meeting. If you will not be at the meeting, please make arrangements to get your completed blocks to Alissa, who will be piecing the quilt, no later than the October meeting date. Many thanks to Frank and Mary W for volunteering to quilt and bind the quilt, respectively. See below on the blog for more detailed information about construction of the quilt, and contact Debra if you have any questions about assembling your blocks. (Debra will put an example of the green and white blocks on the blog.) Remember to use only the fabrics supplied in your bags. Do not add additional fabrics, although you do not have to use all the fabrics supplied to you. Blocks will be unfinished at 4 1/2 inches; please trim yours to this size before you return them. If you were not at September's meeting, but would like to participate, please contact Debra to see if any bags are still available.
We are also once again submitting a quilt to Quiltcon for their charity display. Fabric bags will be distributed and instructions given at our October meeting. If you would like to get a head start on your blocks, contact Marge and she will make arrangements to get the fabric to you. The theme is "improv with intent", and Yanick has chosen our quilt's theme--"Sticks and Stones". Yanick will post videos of techniques for both "sticks" and "stones" on the blog, although other circle techniques (for the "stones") are acceptable as well. Completed 6.5 inch blocks MUST be returned at our November meeting. Some examples:
....was won by Karol.
Several members shared information about books on modern quilting that they've found especially informative and inspirational. The books mentioned were:
Cara brought Dare To Be Square by Boo Davis, and The Modern Quilt Workshop by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr.
Debbe brought in a copy of Weekend Quilting, a British magazine.
Ede brought in Adding Layers by Kathy Doughty and Shape Workshop for Quilters.
Yanick brought in The State of the Art Quilt, Barbara Packer, ed., and Quilting Line and Color by Yoshiko Jinzenji.
Caroline brought in Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt, by Laura Aaron Hird, Handmade Style by Anna Graham, Simply Moderne magazine, and Les Fantasies by Cecile Franconie.
Karol brought in Modern Blocks, compiled by Susanna Woods.
Ellen brought in A Quilter's Mixology by Angela Pingle.
Mary brought in Minimal Quilt Making by Gwen Marston.
Meeting adjourned at 12 pm. Lunch followed at Keke's in Winter Park.