MEETING MINUTESJanuary 7, 2015Maitland, FL Our meeting was called to order by President Yanick. 31 members and 6 visitors were present.
Our current balance is $4717.97.
HAPPY 2015
Yanick asked members to share any "quilty" resolutions with the group. In addition to the ones mentioned in Yanick's post below, others were to "finish one thing before starting another", do fewer "have to" quilts and have more fun, and collect as much Quiltcon swag for the group as possible (thank you, Debbe!)
This month's BLOG POST winner was Sharleen. Remember to comment on something you see on the OMQG blog to be eligible to win a prize!
The RAFFLE BASKET this month was won by Pamela.
2014 winners were Rene and Sharleen, who was also the "UFO Queen", finishing 100% of her projects!
A new UFO challenge is coming for 2015, chaired by Kelly. The survey asking for your "UFO list" will go out shortly, and must be submitted by Feb 5. As we did last year, your UFO list can include any project for which you have selected a pattern, pulled fabric, or completed some work on. Quilts still just in the "idea" stage do not qualify.
Committee chair Zonetta informed the group that no new candidates came forward, and all current officers would like to serve another term. In this case, according to our bylaws, no election is necessary and all officers will continue in their current offices for 2015.
Debbe, who is our new education coordinator, and Cara (our past coordinator) updated the group on some upcoming events:
The field trip to the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop in Trenton will take place on Feb 7. Please email Debbe if you are interested in going.
RaNae Merrill will conduct a spiral boot camp workshop on Mar 21. Class will be limited to 25 people. Cost and further info will be posted on the blog soon. RaNae's book is Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts which isn't a requirement for the class, but might be helpful.
There are many, many upcoming shows and workshops in our area! See Debra's post below. And kudos to Debra for having her quilt be one of only 400 selected for showing at Quiltcon!
Alissa and Rene have been selected to participate in the "52 Quilters" project on Instagram, Twitter, and the website. Check the blog to see their posts.
Alissa will also be getting a new "bee"started for our guild. Look for more info in the coming months.
Linda has extended the deadline for quilts for the Veteran's Home to our March meeting. She plans to take a count of how many quilts will be coming in at our February meeting.
After these quilts are done, we will be moving on to some smaller projects, including lap quilts for Alzheimer's patients.
If you have a potential idea for a charity project for the group, please let Linda know, and the board will then discuss and approve.
Please contact Beth with any ideas you might have for the group.
In March, Debra will be leading a demo on various kinds of binding. She asked for more participants to speak briefly about their experience with different kinds of binding. Volunteers included Beth (double binding and piping), Jane (facing), Pamela (prairie points), and Jodi. You do not have to demonstrate any techniques at the machine, but can just talk about them, and please include failures as well as successes!
This month's blocks.....
....were won by Betty.
.....was won by Jodi!
Lunch took place at Miller's Ale House after the meeting.