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Meeting Minutes

May 4, 2016

6 min read




MEETING MINUTESWednesday, May 4, 2016Maitland, FL

President Alissa called the meeting to order; 50 members and 6 guests were present.


Alissa asked those present to line up in birth date (month and day) order.

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Mary, acting for Joan, who is out of town, gave the treasurer’s report, received membership forms and dues for 4 renewals and 1 new membership, and payment of class fees for 1 person attending this Saturday’s Mandy Leins class.


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Education Coordinator Ede reviewed upcoming classes, including

Mandy Leins

this Saturday May 7th,

Christa Watson

on September 24th, our member

Mary So.

in November,


’s fabric dyeing class possibly in January, and

Jacquie Gering

next March 17-19. She led a discussion on frequency of classes and asked the guild whether a class every other month would be too many. She mentioned that we might be able to get

Shannon Brinkley

to teach on scrappy appliqué in August, unless the guild felt that was too much; there was interest expressed in the class. It was suggested to let other guilds know about openings and charge extra for non-members to further hold down costs to members.

There was concern that Sew Days at Dr. Phillips Public Library not turn into paid classes, losing Sew Days, and Rene said that she requests space from the library for two days each month that there will be a class, but cannot always get another day there, and space is an issue; so far we’ve been able to, but may not always, find free space. While there is room at the Maitland Public Library, apparently there is not sufficient power. Ede noted that we do not have a space for the Christa Watson class in September, and she will be looking; Sewing Studio and the Seminole County Public Library in Casselberry were suggested as places to ask. Someone suggested that if anyone had access to a community room in their apartment or condo complex that could be used to let Ede know.

Ede noted that getting more teachers and classes is one of the main purposes of of the guild in raising money, and members agreed. Ede noted that the guild likes to subsidize what it can afford to keep classes affordable and asked what the maximum class fee should be. While someone said $50, others mentioned the much higher cost of classes at QuiltCon at $90 minimum. Ede noted that Frank’s class will cost more, because it will include his costs for supplies.

Ede noted that we do not currently have a space for the Christa Watson class in September, and she is looking; someone suggested that we ask the Sewing Studio, others suggested the Seminole County Public Library in Casselberry. Someone suggested if anyone had access to a community room in their living complex that could be used to let Ede know.


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Debra, who won the basket last month was absent but had returned the Raffle Basket filled with new items, including a double-bed sized Warm & Natural batt. The basket brought in $30 for raffle tickets and was won by Linda Mullins.

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Tanyia reminded those in the mini quilt swap with the Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild that their minis are due to her June 1

, so should be brought to the June 1st meeting or mailed to her; she will mail them to Las Vegas as a group. Those who brought their mini today had a Show and Tell so the guild could see what they are sending.

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UFO Coordinator Kelly explained the UFO log to new members and guests; members receive one entry per finished UFO in a drawing for prizes at the December holiday party. She said anyone can give her their list of UFOs to add to the Log or can add them at the website.


Yanick brings the guild library of quilting books to each meeting. See her to see what is available and to check out books, which must be returned at the following month’s guild meeting.


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Diana demonstrated her machine binding method using a 1” bias tape maker with 2” strips of binding fabric to make the binding, pinning with mini binder clips to the quilt edges, and sewing the binding to both sides at once by machine. She noted that there are two videos on YouTube showing Bill Kerr of Modern Quilt Studio demonstrating the process. She will post the links on the OMQG Facebook page, and they are also here.

Binding videos:

Part 1 - Bill KerrPart 2 - Bill Kerr


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May’s Blocks of the Month were won by Jodi.

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Alexis presented the Block of the Month for May. Directions are available on the guild blog.

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Love demonstrated her method of hanging quilts using Ace yardsticks. She makes the sleeve ½” or so deeper than where she stitches it to the back of the quilt to accommodate the yardstick, cuts the yardstick to the right width with a mitre saw, using lattice strips if the quilt is wider than 36”, she sands all of the yardstick edges lightly, uses brads or wire nails and the tiniest drill bit to leave the smallest possible holes in the wall. She taps in the nails just a bit, using a level, pulls one end loose, puts the quilt the quilt on the yardstick and then hammers in the nails. She provided a handout of instructions.


There were two random giveaways of two fat quarters won by Leandra and Marilene.

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Tanyia presented a challenge offering two coloring sheets, with permission of Diane Bohn, who designed them for her Celestial Star pattern. Tanyia asked guild members to color the sheets trying different arrangements of color than they otherwise might to see the great differences it makes in the appearance of the blocks. Two of those who bring the sheets to the next meeting will be in a random drawing for one of Diane Bohn’s patterns.


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Charity Coordinator Sharleen presented a one-month challenge to the guild. This small project includes kits to make a Heart of Hope; the guild provided the fabric and labels and Fairfield donated the stuffing. The kits make a heart on a fabric strap used to cushion breast cancer patients and others after chest surgery to cushion them from their seatbelt when in a car. The kits have all of the fabric for strap handle and backing; guild members provide the top of the small pillow, quilted or embroidered or whatever they choose, including a guild label somewhere in a seam or on the strap. Members could take one or more kits and more will be available at the month’s Sew Days; she needs 70 for University of Florida Cancer Center at Orlando Health. They are due at the June 1

meeting; representatives will receive them at the July meeting. Instructions will be on the blog.


Tanyia has started a new every-other-month member trunk show in which a member, Tanyia this month, shows a number of her (or his) quilts. She mentioned that, with many new members, this is a way for them, and all of us, to see each other’s work. If interested in providing the trunk show in the future, email her, or she will choose someone to ask.

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Diana showed the quilt above made, with her help, by a 5th grade class at her son's school.

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Remember to return membership forms and dues for this year to Joan, if you haven’t already. If you are taking part, remember to have your Las Vegas Mini Quilt Swap mini to Tanyia by June 1

(you can bring it to the June 1


The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.



May 7 – Mandy Leins

class, “Improv on a Photo,” 10-4, Bernina Sewing Center, Lake Mary


May 9 – Sew Day, 10-4, Maitland Public Library


May 21 – Sew Day, 10-4, Dr. Phillips Public Library


May 31 – Riley Blake Challenge deadline


June 1 – OMQG Guild Meeting


June 1 – OMQG Board Meeting, after the guild meeting


September 24 – Christa Watson class, “ModernQuilting in Style”


QuiltCon East 2017

, in Savannah, GA, Feb. 23-27, 2017. The Modern Quilt Guild will post a course catalog online on June 1st; member registration begins June 25


Quilt Entry runs July 1 – Nov. 30.


March 17-19, 2017 – Jacquie Gering

trunk show and 2 days of classes

May 4, 2016

6 min read





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