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Aug 10, 2015

4 min read




MEETING MINUTESAUGUST 5, 2015 MAITLAND, FLPresident Yanick called the meeting to order, with  44 attendees present.

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Marge reported that our current balance is $7060.

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.....was won by Cara.

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It will be a good learning and interactive time for kids and adults. There is an orientation at the Orlando Science Center for all volunteers on Sunday, August 16th 11 am to 12:30 pm (Michele attending) or 1 pm to 2:30 pm. There will also be a meeting for our guild volunteers August 22nd, 2pm at the Sewing Studio; email Michelle L. for all the details.

We will accept donations of modern fabric, marking pens and scrap batting for the Maker Faire project. Please bring them to the September meeting.


To prepare for the October Maitland Library show, guild members are asked to add a 4 inch hanging sleeve to their quilt and a small dowel 2 inches larger than the quilt. This link is an excellent tutorial:  tallgrass prairie studio: Hang Your Quilt! (Hanging Sleeve Tutorial)


you have troubles with a sleeve please

do not let that hold you back

from showing your work. The volunteers will work with you. We can clip your quilt to a dowel if necessary. Contact Karol E. with any questions.  We will have a form for all quilts to be filled in at the September meeting. Bring your quilts that will be shown to the September meeting or either September Sew Day. 

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The committee will meet for set up at the Maitland Library on Thursday, October 1st at 10:00 am.  Tear down is Saturday, October 31st, at 12:00.



The class will be on Fibonacci and Improv Piecing, October 3rd at the Dr. Phillips Library from 10:30 - 4:30. It will be a potluck so bring a yummy dish to share. The fee is $25; we will begin registration at the September meeting. See CLS'


for more information on this class. 

Instructions and supply list for class:

Improvisation Made Easy: Fibonacci Style!Project: Quilt measuring approximately 59 by 62 inchesThis one–day workshop is a surprisingly easy no-math approach to making a modern quilt using just a few basic block sizes. Block sizes are based on Fibonacci math—a number series common to many things in nature such as the spirals in seashells.Don’t worry about the math! I will give you block sizes and directions for the basic block, as well as how to make interesting variations. You can create a quilt that looks modern, random and improvisational quickly and easily using this method.Participants will develop confidence for intuitive design and piecing, alternate grid layouts and incorporating negative space.Class is a full day and you should leave with a completed pieced top. Fast workers may have time to work on a 2nd top OR a small wallhanging. During class, we will discuss modern quilting approaches using straight line quilting, improvisational quilting and other approaches that can be easily accomplished on your home machine. We will review the use of quilting with threads in variegated, blending or contrasting colors.If you have any questions, email

This list is sufficient fabric to make a top in the size shown. If you work really fast, I suggest you bring extra fabric so that you can start working on a 2nd project. One half yard of a focus print fabric--a bold multicolor print will work best. Use this fabric to guide you as you select the rest of your fabrics. Fat quarters of 14-16 fabrics with a mix of solids and prints. Go for a good mix in scale of the prints. Include light, medium and dark values. Look for fabrics that are interesting and different from each other but related in color to your focus fabric. The color dots on the selvedge of your focus fabric will help guide you. For interest, pick one POP color fabric that boldly stands out from the others. One-half yard of one black & white print. Four yards of a neutral color fabric in a solid, tone-on-tone or low volume print that complements your other fabrics. A low volume print has a very subtle pattern that almost looks like a solid from a distance.Optional piece of white batting or flannel or flannel backed white table cloth for a portable design wall.Basic Sewing supplies: Rotary cutter (new blade suggested) and cutting mat measuring at least 24 inches. Iron and pressing surface. Rulers: a long ruler (24 inches) and a short ruler (12 inches). Sewing machine with ¼ inch foot. Optional walking foot or free motion foot for quilting.Optional rulers: Square rulers measuring any of these sizes: 3-1/2 inches; 5-1/2 inches; 9-1/2 inches (or larger). Rotating cutting mat if you have one.


Bring an unfinished quilty project that you do not want to finish yourself, or do not want back, to our October meeting. There will be drawings to 'win' the UFO you would like to finish. Bring the finished UFO Challenge Project completed to the December meeting to show.


Beth collected the guilds' post cards for the swap. She will continue to collect through Monday's Sew Day. Please include your address, a note and a stamp on the back of the card. 

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Jodi demonstrated board basting,  a way to baste your larger quilt on a table using 2 trim boards. She showed us how to roll the front and backing onto the trim boards then unroll as you add the batting and either pin, spray bast or thread bast as you go. Clink here for a link to an explanation of her method.

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Mary S was a judge for the AQS show in Syracuse last week. She showed a BEAUTIFUL slide show of winners and favorite quilts. Mary started teaching in 1993 and specializes in hand applique. She encouraged us all to enter shows to "share your joy" of quilting.

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There will be an AQS show in Daytona Beach February 24-27, 2016.  October 16th is the deadline for quilt entries.


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.........was won by Beth.

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September Block of the Month was presented by Jodi.

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Aug 10, 2015

4 min read





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