Meeting MinutesAugust 7, 2013 10 AM -12 NoonThe Sewing StudioMaitland, FloridaI. Meet and Greet• Introduction of guests• 18 members and 1 guest were in attendance• Four new members joined at the August meeting. Welcome Lois, Kayla, Tanyia, and Debbe.II. Treasurer's Report• Michele gave the treasurer's report.
• The raffle basket was provided by Jodi.
IV. Getting to Know our Members• Our member survey in March indicated that we would like to get to know each other better. Beth asked for sample questions from members that will be used for future interviews.
• The basket was won by Zonetta.
• Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio is coming to Orlando to teach two workshops on August 23 and 24. There are a few open slots for Friday's class if non-members would like to attend. The cost of the workshop for non-members is $60. E-Mail the guild if you have a friend who would like to attend Friday's workshop.
• The workshops will be held at Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio, 5818 Hoffner Avenue, Suite 905, Orlando, FL 32822 from 9:30 am to 4 pm. Lunch each day will be a potluck provided by members. Judy is coordinating sweet/savory dishes if you need ideas.
VII. Color Theory Class by Heather• Heather will do a presentation on color theory on Monday, August 26 from 11 am to 3 pm at Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio. She will be able to help with 'difficult fabrics.' There is no cost for this presentation. Lunch will be potluck.
VIII. Pincushion Class by Julie Creus• Julie of La Todera will hold a pincushion class on Saturday, September 21 at our Sew Day at the Dr. Phillips library. There is no cost for the class, but the guild will accept donations. Fabric requirements will be e-mailed closer to the class date.
IX. November 8-10 Quilt Retreat• Our first retreat will be held November 8-10 at The Quilt Place Retreat Center in Cocoa, Florida. Cost is $275 per person. The cost includes a large sewing space, design walls, irons, and cutting mats. Accommodations, food, and linens will be provided. The Retreat Center has a pool, hot tub, and dock.
Friday -- Check in begins at 1 pm. Evening wine and finger foods social.
Saturday -- Shopping spree at The Quilt Place before opening. Attendees will receive a 15% discount on purchases. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks will be served during the day. Evening wine and finger foods social.
Sunday -- Check out is at noon. Brunch will be provided.
• Debra presented a novel way to achieve perfect circles and curves in our quilts. For more information about this technique, you can find it on Simply Quilts.
XI. Block-of-the-Month Lotto• The August blocks of the month were won by Jodi.
• Linda presented the block of the month for September, Bright Star Points on Black. The instructions will be posted soon.
XII. Show and TellZonetta's Pinwheel quilt won "Wish I Had Made That."