Orlando Modern Quilt GuildMeeting MinutesDecember 7, 2011 from 10 am - 12 NoonSewing Studio, Maitland, Florida There were 12 people in attendance. I. Welcome and Meet and GreetII. Guild Raffle BasketThe raffle tickets are sold to benefit our Education Fund. The basket for December was donated by Michelle and won by Rene. III. BOMThe Block of the Month for January is quilter's choice. Make any 12.5 unfinished block in the analogous color scheme of blue, blue green, and green. For more info on the use of analogous colors see: In Color Order
The December Blocks of the Month were won by Linda.
IV. Flickr DiscussionJodi's discussion on Flickr has been postponed until January due to a lack of a viewing screen.
V. Charity QuiltsBeth updated the group on the charity quilts (many were shared at the December meeting) which will be delivered to a local VA Nursing Home on December 13. Any remaining "female" quilts, will be donated to several residents without families at a Winter Park nursing home.
VI. Other Guild BusinessSorensen Workshop-16 people are signed up for Mary Sorensen's January 21st Sew Day workshop. The SouthWest Branch Library (of the Orange County Library System) is not available for our use on that day due to the Supervisor of Election's need to use the meeting room. The Windermere Library be the new location for the workshop; more information should be available soon.
December 17th is the next Sew Day-Members are encouraged to bring special dishes to share as this is our Holiday Sew Day. Provided a screen is available we will have a showing of the DVD, Please still bring your sewing machines and projects to work on. If you would like to participate in a gift exchange bring a small item you have made (such as a zipper case, mug rug, etc.) in a brown paper bag.
We had a useful discussion about pre-washing fabrics to avoid colors running on completed quilts.
We shared our farewells with Heather as it was her last MQG meeting in Florida
February Guild Challenge-Members who would like to participate in the February challenge are to make quilts of any type no larger than 9 x 12 to donate to AAQI. It is preferable to use fast finish triangles in all four corners of the back of these donation quilts.
Example of an AAQI Quilt
VII. Show and TellA sampling of the Show and Tell items shared: