MEET AND GREET30 members and guests were in attendance.
TREASURERS REPORTCurrent Treasurer, Michele, prepared financial reports and provided them to the Board. As Michele is absent from the February meeting, financial reports will be presented at the March meeting.
RAFFLE BASKETPat provided the raffle basket...
...which was won by Kathryn.
ELECTIONSMany thanks to Zonetta, Julia and Debbe for their work as the Election Committee.
New officers, Yanick, Debra, Marge and Kathryn, officially begin in their roles March 1st.
EDUCATION OUTREACHYanick shared information on the request to assist a local school class of 5th graders who plan to make a quilt. Yanick, who already has prepared lessons plans for this topic, will head up the effort and ask for volunteers to assist with various stages of the project.
BLOCKS OF THE MONTHThe February Blocks of the Month were won by Marge.
Alejandrina showed the sample of the "
Jumbo" blue and gold blocks for March.
DOOR PRIZEJoanne won the door prize
.DONATION QUILTS--The OMQG would like to participate in the Orlando Museum of Arts Annual Festival of the Trees by creating a quilt to be raffled as a fundraiser for the OMA. The members brainstormed ideas. Everyone is asked to post ideas during Feb. on both Facebook and on the guild's page on the motherships webpage where Rene has created a page for comments on this topic.
--Three of the Boggy Creek quilts are ready to go.
PROGRAMS-Members who are going on the Suwannee River Quilt Shop field trip firmed up plans for meeting and car pooling.
-Cara announced that Victoria Findlay Wolfe (Bumblebeans) will teach two classes (to be announced) for OMQG on Dec. 5 and 6th.
SHOW AND TELL / WISH I MADE THATI wish I had made that was won by Debra.
DirectionsBLOCK DEMO