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Meeting MinutesJuly 3, 2013 10 AM -12 NoonMaitland, FloridaI. Meet and Greet-Introduction of Guests-30 members and guests were in attendanceII. Treasurer Report-Michele gave the treasurer report.III. Basket-The raffle basket was provide by Michele...
and won by Jodi.
IV. Classes and Field TripsJacquie Gering Discussion-The Saturday (Aug. 24) class, Flip and Stitch, is full. There were a few slots left in the Friday (Aug. 23) class on Hexies. A discussion took place on whether or not the Friday class should be changed to another topic. As the class is now almost full it was determined to leave it as the Hexie Class.-Judy volunteered to coordinate the food for both days.-Cara will send out updated information on location, days and times, class supply lists to registered attendees.Color Theory-Former OMQG member, Heather, offered to do her Color Theory class for OMQG members. Beth asked for input from the members as to their interest in the topic and the proposed Aug. 26th date. As there was significant interest, Beth will pursue this further. -Suwannee Valley Quilt ShopBetty gave an update on the quilt shop in Trenton where we may have a spring field trip.
-Sherrill and Mary both discussed the opportunity to see 25 quilts from Quilt National 2011 in Dunedin at the Dunedin Fine Art Center.V. UpcyclingJodi gave an informative presentation on upcycling and invited members to do a Show and Tell of things they had upcycled.
-The July Blocks were won by Susan W.
Susan told a funny story about making the blocks. Ask her about it. : )-Introduction of the August BlockThey are scrappy with a white/light background fabric. Futher information is online.
VII. Getting to Know you DiscussionBeth discussed a proposal that two members would be featured on the blog each month in an effort to help members get to know each other better.VIII. Sew Days for the rest of 2013July 27, Saturday, Maitland LibraryJuly 29, Monday, Southwest Branch (Dr. Phillips)August 19, Monday, SW Branch LibraryAugust 31, Saturday, Maitland LibrarySeptember 9, Monday, Maitland LibrarySeptember 21, Saturday, Southwest BranchOctober 18, Friday, SouthwestOctober 21, Monday, MaitlandNovember 15, Friday, SouthwestDecember 13, Friday, SouthwestIX. Door PrizesDoor prizes were won by Kathryn and Laurel.
X. Harbor House QuiltsJodi is still collecting pet blankets. Several members showed some of their latest donations during Show and Tell.XI. Show and Tell
XII. "Wish I Had Made That" was won by Susan O.
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