October 5, 2011
10:00 - 12 Noon
Sewing Studio
Maitland, Florida
I. Meet and Greet.
There were 18 attendees for today's meeting including three guests.
II. Jay McCarroll Habitat Challenge
The challenge yielded numerous fun and modern blocks. We plan to use these blocks to make a charity quilt. Beth has volunteered to assemble the blocks and finish the quilt. Members also used the fabric to make other items. Pictures are below in Show & Tell. Thank you to FreeSpirit Fabrics for donating this fabric to the Modern Quilt Guilds.
III. Guild Basket
The basket was won by Donna Croff. Raffle ticket sales from the monthly guild basket total $98 as of October. This money will be earmarked for our education/workshop fund. Our Sew Day demos have netted $74 toward the fund.
IV. Charity Projects
Our December charity, The Orlando Community VA Center has requested 50" x 60" quilts. Other project ideas include: wheelchair quilts, lap quilts and walker bags. Plan to have your projects completed by the December 7 meeting. We will visit the center in December to present our goodies.
Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative(AAQI) is always accepting 9" x 12" or smaller quilts for their organization. Several of our members make quilts for this charity. Rene' has volunteered to register quilts for us so all we have to do is make little quilts. We would like to challenge everyone to make a quilt (or three!) and have a batch of quilts to send in February.
V. October BOM Lotto
Jodi won the colorful house blocks this month.
VI. Workshops
We have tentatively scheduled an applique workshop with
Mary Sorensenfor Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 10 am to 4:45 pm. The workshop will be held at our Sew Day location at the southwest branch (Dr. Phillips) library. Workshop cost and materials list will be available soon. At least 12 members expressed interest in the workshop at today's meeting. Beth is also looking into a workshop with 2010-11 OMQG member
Marga Korioth. Marga uses dyes, paints and recycled materials to create beautiful wearable art and quilts.
VII. Flickr 3x6 Sampler Quilt Mini Bee
Jodi (aka Queen Bee)provided information and inspiration for her
3x6 Sampler Quilt Mini Beeon Flickr. Four times a year, the hive members make six 12-inch quilt blocks for their hive partners in their colors. Jodi has made and received beautiful blocks in the bee and invited all OMQG members to join in the fun. For more information, click on the link above.
Heatherjoined the swap last quarter and had a blast.
VIII. Other Guild Business
Cabin Fever Quilt Guild will show the documentary film "Stitched" at its January 2012 meeting (time and place to be determined). If you are interested in seeing this film, leave a comment on this post and we'll send you the e-mail address for RSVPs.
Upcoming meeting presentations: November: Color Theory by Heather; December: Flickr by Jodi. If you have something to share with the group, please volunteer.
Sew Day Demos: To be determined. Volunteers are also needed for short demonstrations. Our next Sew Day is Saturday, October 22 from 10 am to 4:45 pm at the Dr. Phillips library.
November's Block of the Month will be a scrappy flower blossom. A link to a tutorial will be on our sidebar.
VIX. Show & Tell