Orlando Modern Quilt GuildMeeting MinutesSeptember 4, 201310 AM - 12 NoonMaitland, Florida26 in AttendanceI. Meet and GreetII. Treasurer's ReportMichele gave a summary Treasurer's ReportIII. Camp Boggy Creek
Marion from Camp Boggy Creek in Eustis spoke about the camp for children, ages 7 to 16, with serious illnesses.
Jodi proposed and the guild accepted the challenge to make four quilts to donate to the camp. The quilts would be turned over to Jodi by February.
IV. Raffle BasketZonetta presented the raffle basket which was won by Cara.
V. ChallengesYanick presented two challenges to guild members. Will you accept the challenges?
The first is to make a name tag (in any size that is easily readable) to wear to meetings. We will share them at the October meeting and hope to see them being worn in future meetings. Need an idea for making a nametag? The OMQG President's Pinterest page has a Board of pinned name tags.
The second challenge is inspired by the Double Wedding Ring challenge being conducted by the NYC Mod Quilt Group. The information about the NYC Mod challenge is at their website, and it provides specifics on the three types of quilts (small one ring, traditional, or modern) that can be entered in the challenge. OMQG members who choose to participate are to bring their completed projects to the December guild meeting. Members may also wish (this is completely optional) to enter their quilts in the NYC Mod Quilt Group Challenge by uploading a photo of their quilt by December 1st.
VI. Sew Day DiscussionsVII. Door PrizeVIII. BOM for SeptemberBeth won the October Blocks of the Month.
IX. BOM for OctoberX. Show and TellX1. Wish I made That