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MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Aug 2, 2017

8 min read




MEETING MINUTESWednesday, August 2, 2017Maitland, FLWELCOME
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President Sarah opened the meeting, welcoming guests and new members, after members signed in, turned in their Hashtag blocks, signed up for the Hashtag drawing, and turned in “calls for Blocks” blocks and Festival of Trees blocks.

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Member-at-Large Jane had us take part in an icebreaker, asking everyone to stand who has ever made a 2-color quilt, then sit, then everyone who has made several other types of quilts; numerous members have made each kind she named.


Sarah reported that the guild is not taking part in Maker Faire this year, because we have so many other things going on.

Mancuso/World Quilt Florida Show – January 2018
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 Our Mancuso Display 2017

Sarah reported that the guild was invited to have a display at the Mancuso World Quilt Florida show in January. Our guild’s display theme will be “Challenge Accepted,” which includes any of the guild challenges, personal challenges, any kind of challenge a member has met making a quilt, and she asked that members let her know by the end of October if they have a quilt to be included, with a blurb about their quilt, and she showed a blurb example from last year’s display. She showed a picture of our display at this year’s show.

MQG Update

Sarah reported that QuiltCon 2018 registration is now open at the Modern Quilt Guild’s QuiltCon website and that quilt entries are due by November 20, 2017, with the entry form available online. QuiltCon will include two challenges this year, the American Pathwork & Quilting Flying GeeseChallenge and the Michael Miller Our Yard Fabric Challenge.


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Paula first held a drawing by random number for a winner among members who posted this month’s Hashtag Block of the Month on social media with the hashtag #orlandomqg and their selfie with the block. Caroline won the prize, which is a copy of , by Amanda Jean Nyberg, who will be teaching here in September, one of her patterns, and a package of precuts of her fabric when it arrives.

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In the drawing for winner of the Hashtag Blocks, Janet won. There were so many blocks, Janet asked that they draw another name and she will split them with that second winner; Beth’s name was drawn; she is absent so will get half the Hashtag blocks from Janet later.

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Alejandrina presented the next Block of the Month. It is a white or low-volume block with red in an X made with the slash and insert method. She also showed what she hopes the winner will do with the blocks: slash the blocks apart and reassemble them into a more modern piece.

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Quirky Scrappy Quiltalong with #sewnbyleila

Jodi was not present, so Paula reported that the last step will be posted on the blog – instructions for assembling all of the blocks into a quilt.

Unmodern Made Modern Challenge

Alejandrina reported that those who are working on their Unmodern Made Modern quilts now have until the end of the year, not September, to finish and bring their quilt to show to the guild. She said that a meeting several months ago to discuss this challenge was a help to many, so they will meet again this month, to show what they have so far or just to talk about the challenge and help each other again.

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Marge reported that last month the only income was $51 from the Education Basket at the July meeting, which she says is bringing in more each month, and $100 from two new memberships, with no expenses.


Marge reported on the retreat that members have reserved 19 rooms at the Wyndham Ocean Walk in Daytona Beach for our retreat there November 2-5, 2017. While the original deadline to register with Marge was orignally later, she asks that everyone planning to go to let Marge know you are going no later than August 22. She needs to know how many will be there for planning the room layout, giveaways and prizes and games. She said we probably need to cut off attendance at 40 to fit into the ballroom/sewing room. If members attending rent 20 rooms (just 1 more), we will have use of the ballroom free. Debbie Z doesn’t have it in writing yet, but she talked to the owner of Byrds Nest Quilt Shop, in Ormond Beach about 4 miles from Ocean Walk, and thinks the shop will offer us a 20% discount during the retreat. Several people are collecting swag for giveaways and prizes. No food is included in the cost of rooms at Ocean Walk, which is the only expense to members attending except splitting the cost of the ballroom if we have to pay that expense. There are kitchenettes in all of the rooms.

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Community Outreach Coordinator Mary W said she had several bears ready to sew with her, for anyone wanting to make more.

Legal Aid Society Project

Mary said she had some quilts, for this project making “twinish”-sized quilts for young adults aging out of foster care, which need quilting, and she invited members to take them after the meeting to quilt. They can be reimbursed for batting if they use their own. They are due by the December meeting. Mary would like them all to be given to her, so she can be sure each has an OMQG label sewn into the binding.

She reported that she has 10 quilts so far, others have more for a total of 18 completed quilts so far, and many members at the meeting said they are working on more quilts for this project. A number of the tops needing quilting have been made by groups working together, using orphan blocks and unused sets of Blocks of the Month blocks.

Quilts for Pulse Legacy

Mary also reported that the Orange County Regional History Center has asked members to gather any articles or other information about the Quilts for Pulse project that they can add to the collection they are keeping of all Pulse related memorials and materials. If members have anything related to Quilts for Pulse, she asks that it be given to her to be given to the History Center.

Calls for Blocks

Beth was not present, so Karol collected any Project 70273 blocks, quilts, or middlings for her today, and gave members giving those things the provenance form to be completed to go with them.

Festival of Trees Quilt
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Wendy said the Festival of Trees blocks are due at the September meeting or as soon as possible.

MQG Charity Challenge Quilt
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Debra J distributed small bags with the fabric for blocks for our QuiltCon 2018 Charity Quilt Design Challenge quilt designed by our member Anne. Debra asked that those taking fabric use every fabric in each bag for that block and NOT use fabric from one bag with fabric from another bag if you have taken more than one. Instructions for the block will be on the blog. Please trim to 12-1/2” x 12-1/2”; if you have any doubt about trimming to that size precisely yourself, don’t.


Education Coordinator Anne said she is looking for someone to assist her with coordinating logistics, such as picking up visiting teachers, giving them rides while here, arranging motel reservations, coordinating with other guilds who may also be hosting them, and helping her with choosing and booking teachers. She had a volunteer.

Leftovers Class
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Anne announced that there are still 2 places in the Leftovers Class that Debra J is presenting at no charge to members on Saturday, August 19, at Dr. Phillips Public Library, which will include planning, small piecing, ironing, and construction of Leftover quilts. Contact her to sign up.

Amanda Jean Nyberg Class
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Anne had members sign up at this meeting for the Amanda Jean Nyberg Spin Class: Make Your Quilts Your Own, September 30 at Dr. Phillips Public Library. The cost is $55 for members, $75 for non-members; there will be a lottery if more sign up than the teacher allows. Everyone is required to have a copy of her book, No Scrap Left Behind, at the class and to come to the class knowing which quilt in the book they are interested in making. She hopes each person will learn how to put their own spin on their quilt, and she will show how changing one element can make a drastic change in the final quilt.

Education Basket
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Paula returned the Education Basket with a number of enticing items, including the last issue of magazine, which includes an article about our Quilts for Pulse project last year, a FQ bundle, a package of neutral thread, and other interesting things. The basket was won by Judy S.

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Door Prizes
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Door prize winners, chosen by random number generator from their number on the sign up list, were: Judi T, Janet P, and Mary C. They won fabric donated to the guild by Marcus Fabrics and Wilton (a 3-yard piece).

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Mary So presented the third part to her Modern Principles Challenge, Negative Space. She reviewed Parts 1 (choose a block and alter it) and 2 (use alternate grids for the layout). She gave the Modern Quilt Guild website definition of negative space – “The unoccupied area surrounding objects or shapes in your quilt.” She pointed out how often the space between blocks creates an interesting secondary shape; she said Jacquie Gering says to look at the spaces between blocks. Basically, Mary said, negative space is the background, and she pointed out that there is negative space in blocks as well as between them. She noted that, if you add space between or around blocks, it calms down the design. She showed the small quilt she made using these principles.

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She said negative space:


Unclutters the design


Creates movement


Creates emphasis


Gives the eye a resting place

She again suggested that members look at the MQG webinar, “What is Modern Quilting?”She also added that


exaggerating scale, using various sizes of blocks in 1 quilt, or


using asymmetry


using a bright or graphic color palette

are other ways to add or use negative space in a modern way. She said Anne will be teaching about color in modern quilting at the September guild meeting.

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For help for those doing this challenge, she suggested check out guild books on modern quilting from Yanick, our guild librarian; try an internet search; look at “100 days of modern quilting” at the MQG website; and look at Pinterest (including the Orlando MQG Pinterest site. She asked those working on this challenge to post pictures of their efforts at #modernprincipleschallenge. She added these “Words of Wisdom” – loose yourself from embarrassment about imperfection. Mary said each of these steps, including that on color next month from Anne, is to help move us step-by-step toward modern quilting. She said she uses Electric Quilt and a Corel drawing program, but that she finds it easier to work in fabric, while Jacquie Gering suggests using craft foam to try out quilt designs.


Two guests came at the end of the meeting to show a quilt based on a Christmas card made and quilted by Melody Lidstone.

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Marge - Legal Aid Society Project

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Marge - Project 70273 Quilt

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 Mary Sm - VanGogh's "Starry, Starry Night"
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 Debra J
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Kate E
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 Debra A
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 Judy S
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 Sarah LUNCH

Members going to lunch together met at 4 Rivers Smokehouse in Winter Park.



August 7, 2017 – Maitland Sew Day, 10-4


August 19, 2017 – Debra J’s Leftovers Class, Dr. Phillips Public Library, 10-4


September 6, 2017 – OMQG Guild Meeting, Sewing Studio, Maitland


September 11, 2017 – Sew Day, Maitland Public Library, 10-4


September 16, 2017 – Sew Day, Dr. Phillips Public Library, 10-4


September 30, 2017 – Amanda Jean Nyberg’s, Spin: Make Your Quilts Your Own

     November 2-5, 2017 - OMQG Retreat, Wyndham's Ocean Walk, Daytona Beach

Aug 2, 2017

8 min read





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