MEETING MINUTES - Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Sep 7, 2017
8 min read
President Sarah opened the meeting after members signed in, turned in their Blocks of the Month and Project 70273 pieces.
ICEBREAKERMember-at-Large Jane divided members into groups of 4 and had each group build its name from the directions and decide what quilting skill they would use in a quilting competition. It was an effort to get everyone to talk to those in front of and behind them.
Sarah reported that QuiltCon 2018 is now open for entry of quilts at MQG’s QuiltCon website; entries are due by November 30, 2017, with the entry form available online. She also noted that various swaps are gearing up at the MQG website as well. She said the guild has already entered the QuiltCon 2018 Charity Quilt Challenge, and that some packets of fabric for the blocks were short, so Debra J had extra fabric strips for people to pick up, if needed.
Sarah also reported that all “Fresh Quilting” video episodes are available at the MQG website now, including one starring our member and Education Coordinator Anne. We are all very proud that she’s one of us. In honor of Anne’s design for our QuiltCon 2018 Charity Quilt, doughnuts decorated as inspired by the colors of Anne’s QuiltCon Charity Quilt were available for everyone to enjoy during the meeting.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORTSpecial Program Announced for NovemberPaula reported on a surprise for the guild – using the funds generated by the Education Basket, we will have a guest speaker at the November meeting, Jennifer Lee of Red Thread Studio, teaching Sashiko and Big Stitch quilting, which our guild survey showed to be what most people are most interested in learning this year. A signup sheet was provided for everyone who wants to sew along that day, and the guild will provide the kits. The meeting will be short to allow time for the demonstration.
Those who didn’t attend or didn’t sign up but would like a sew-along kit for the November meeting, please email Paula so enough kits can be prepared. You can check out Jennifer’s work at
Creactive ClubCaroline
Caroline presented members who had brought their finished UFOs for their own Show N Tell, and a drawing was held for the winner from the group. Leslie won a copy of Amanda Jean Nyberg’s book . Caroline also announced that the next UFO for participating members to work on is #1 on their list.
Jodi's Quilt
Winner of the Book - Leslie
Block of the Month (BOM)Alejandrina’s Blocks of the Month were won by Kelly.
Because 9 members had posted “Where Am I?” photographs of their block online, there was a drawing for a Finished UFO winner, and Patti L won a book and Christmas fabric. She wasn’t here today so someone will get them to her.
Judy presented her Block of the Month for October. It is a maple leaf variation. Instructions are on the blog. Use only modern fabric and no autumn fabric.
TREASURER’S REPORTMarge was unable to attend, so Rene reported on last month’s income and expenses. There was income from the Education Basket and dues; expenses included food for Debra J’s class in August and $78 for new guild library books. Debra J was thanked for giving the guild her great “Leftovers” class for no charge.
RetreatEveryone was reminded that our retreat will be at the Wyndham Ocean Walk in Daytona Beach November 2-5, 2017, and that everyone should have registered by the August 22 deadline. The guild is collecting donations for giveaways and prizes there, and any turned in at this meeting will be given to Marge.
COMMUNITY OUTREACHMary W, Community Outreach Coordinator, reported that Donna Haynes, development director for the Legal Aid Society, will present a short program about their Foster Child program at the September 16 Sew Day at Dr. Phillips Public Library at 11 am. We will also have blocks there, so who wish to do so can work on assembling them into more twin-sized quilts for that project for young adults aging out of foster care. Mary thanked everyone who is working on quilts and binding for this project.
Quilts for Pulse LegacyMary W also reported that Pamela Schwartz, lead curator of the Orange County Regional History Center, will be at our October meeting. The History Center is incorporating our Quilts for Pulse project items into their One Orlando Collection, which also includes all items in memorials set up after the Pulse shootings last year.
Mary W also reported that Alex Melo, a professional photographer who took photos of Pulse quilts in a downtown church on June 12 this year, when we distributed 65 quilts, is giving the guild a gift of one of the photos, which will be emailed to all members. We are asked not to send it to non-members, but members can print it for themselves if they like.
Breast Cancer PillowsMary W has received a request from Robin Maynard (of the Libby’s Legacy group which helps cancer patients) for more of the heart-shaped cancer pillows to cushion against vehicle seatbelts, which we made as a project last year. She had kits members could take today. Some of the breast cancer survivors also want to make the pillows for others, and Sharleen (last year’s Charity Coordinator, who initiated the project last year) approved giving them the pattern and instructions we used for that project with just the limitation that they make pillows to be given away and not sold.
Festival of Trees QuiltWendy updated the guild on the status of the Festival of Trees Quilt.
Calls for BlocksBeth was not present, so Leslie reported for her that right now those collecting quilts for Houston, in response to Hurricane Harvey, want finished quilts and not quilt blocks. The guild is collecting finished quilts for Houston, but in order to make quilts for Houston, she asked members to make simple half square triangle (HST) blocks of blue and white (or low volume), though other colors are okay. The HSTs will be assembled into quilts at Sew Days.
Mary W asked that finished quilts members wish to donate to Houston be brought to the October meeting, because she is going to Houston in early November and will take them, which will save the guild a lot on postage.
Leslie collected the blocks brought for the 70273 project. Sarah noted that provenance forms are not required for each block, because they will be assembled into a group quilt that will have one provenance form.
EDUCATIONEducation Coordinator Anne reported that the Amanda Jean Nyberg“Spin” class on September 30 is full; anyone who has signed up and not paid needs to pay today to secure their place, because there is a waiting list. She reminded members that those attending are to bring a copy of Amanda’s book, . Amanda will have some books available for sale at the class, but we are all supposed to arrive having chosen the quilt we want to make from the book and bringing its required materials. Anne will email the supply list to those in the class.
Education BasketJudy presented the Education Basket filled with fabric, a copy of a Canadian sewing magazine, a needle threader, coffee mug, and other special items. It was won by Zonetta. As always, the proceeds go to the Education fund.
Jane announced that the guild is going to have a list of members’ professional services on the blog, so if you want your business to be listed – quilting-related or not (longarm quilting or snow removal or whatever) – email the information to Jane.
DOOR PRIZESDoor prize winners, chosen by random number generator from their number on the sign up sheet, were: Cara, Mary Sm, and Dorothy. They won a fat quarter bundle, donated to the guild by Marcus Fabrics, an ironing board cover donated by Olisio, and a donated layer cake of 10” squares.
Mary So presented a quick review of the first 3 principles, which she taught us at recent meetings, and introduced Anne, our Education Coordinator, to teach the guild about Color in Modern Quilt Design.
Anne explained that there is nothing about color making any color modern or not, but she wanted to give us a way to discuss color more accurately and also to talk about color trends in modern quilting. She explained the method of describing color by hue (color wheel color name), saturation (the purity of color – lack of saturation being black and white), and value (seeing a photo in black and white shows the contrast of values; white is the highest value, black the lowest). Using these terms, someone can describe a color in words that someone else can recognize and understand what color they mean (example: red violet, low saturation, high value = pink).
Anne described a number of early trends in modern quilting such as
blue, red, and yellow typically not being used in modern quilts in their pure form but more aqua, fuschia, and greenish yellow
neutrals tended to be gray or white and paired with saturated colors for contrast (example: Doodle Quilt by Annabel Lowe Wriglsy)
low volume – not value but volume, white or gray with prints for texture, creams, tans, grays and white, that read as light – adding texture to negative space without adding color
rainbows – in highly saturated colors but not pure red, blue or yellow (example: Wavelength by Rebecca Bryan
She noted that these trends are beginning to change. Among new trends, Anne said brown is beginning to show up while it was not seen 6 years ago – but not chocolate brown, more ochre or grayish brown. She noted there have been lots of those browns in Kaffe Fassett fabrics, and modern quilting is now catching on. She also noted that new lines of fabric push trends, such as Carolyn Friedlander’s use of coral, the jewel tones of Alison Glass, the colors used by Tulia Pink and Cotton + Steel; so look at new fabric lines for trends. And she said it works in both directions – that Kona was one of the first fabric companies to buy into modern quilting, and they are releasing new colors for modern quilters – super saturated colors with no pure yellow and aquaish blues. Many of the new Kona colors due this fall are desaturated high value colors (pastels).
Anne said she loves color challenges and creating palettes, so she invited members to ask her questions or engage her in conversation about color; she is happy to share her knowledge.
Mary So again suggested that members go to the many resources at the MQG site. She reported that Debra J is going to teach the next Modern Principle in January: Quilting the Modern Quilt, and asked people with tops they’d like to have Debra discuss to bring them to the guild meeting in December.
Mary So
Laura's 70273 Project
LUNCHMembers going to lunch together met at Zoe’s Kitchen in Winter Park.
September 11, 2017 – Sew Day, Maitland Public Library, 10-4
September 16, 2017 – Sew Day, Dr. Phillips Public Library, 10-4
September 16, 2017 – 11 am – Presentation by Donna Haynes about the Legal Aid Society project for young adults aging out of foster care – at the Dr. Phillips Sew Day
September 30, 2017 – Amanda Jean Nyberg’s, “Spin:Make Your Quilts Your Own,”
Dr. Phillips Public Library, 10-4
October 4, 2017 – OMQG Meeting, the Sewing Studio, Maitland, 10 am
November 1, 2017 – OMQG Meeting, the Sewing Studio, Maitland, 10 am
Special Demonstration of Sashiko and Big Stitch Quilting by Jennifer Lee of Red Thread Studio – with sew along kits