ORLANDO MODERN QUILT GUILD MEETING MINUTESOCTOBER 1, 2014MAITLAND, FL30 members and 3 guests were present.The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Debra, in President Yanick's absence.Debra spoke about the upcoming Leadership Conference at Quiltcon, which takes place the Monday after Quiltcon. The conference will discuss all aspects of running a local quilt guild. Debra plans to attend, and encourages other Quiltcon attendees to consider attending.BLOG POSTSThe winners of two of our recent blog post random drawings were announced. They were: Alejandrina (absent) and Marge. Remember to check our blog frequently for opportunities to post--and maybe win!FINANCIALSMarge presented the monthly financial report. We had eight new members join last month. Our total current assets are $7258.25.WORKSHOPSThere are still eight slots open for the Victora Findley Wolfe workshop on Saturday; Friday's session is full. Contact Marge ASAP if you would like to register for the Saturday class. Click here for the supply list for the VFW workshop.The raffle basket was won by Pat.
More volunteers are needed to help if we are to submit an entry to the Quiltcon Charity quilts challenge. A design committee has been formed, and members have agreed to piece and bind. Ellen volunteered to quilt our submission. Members who would like to participate were asked to stay briefly after the meeting to get fabric for the quilt. Instructions:
deadline for the quiltto be delivered to MQG is
January 3, 2015. We probably need 2 months to get it sewn together, quilted and bound,
we need the blocks in by the November 5 Wednesday meeting.
Since it is a guild function Beth no longer needs to collect money for your fabric, the guild will fund the materials necessary to make it (the guild will reimburse Beth and she will give back the few $ she already collected).·
You can make a block of your choice in 6.5, 9.5 or 12.5 using the color scheme that Beth has purchased. We will have the fabric at the October meeting. If you will not be there we will figure out how to get the fabric to you. You will need to let us know how big you plan on making your block since that will determine how much fabric you will be getting.·
Because we won’t know the layout of it until we get the blocks back, any leftover blocks will be used for the back or another charity quilt which will be given away at the same time. I think these quilts will be displayed at Quilt-Con in February so we will donate them to a TBD charity after we get it back.·
Below are the rules from the MQG site:Work Together·
Your guild and/or members will provide the blocks for the quilt.
Your guild will provide batting, backing, binding and additional fabric to complete the quilt top.
Quilts should be no smaller than 68”x 88” and not greater than 72” x 92”
Quilting must be no farther apart than 2”. These quilts will be used, so please make sure they are sturdy.
Machine sewn bindings are ok.
Ede recapped the first Modern Quilting Salon conducted by Yanick and held at the Lake Mary Sewing Center. Yanick presented a PowerPoint presentation defining modern quilting, and showed examples of her and others' work. Attendees were encouraged to bring a modern quilt block of their own making to the next salon, which will be held on Oct 16, from 6-8 in the same location.
Sharleen spoke about the charity Days for Girls
which provides feminine hygiene products to girls in countries where products are not widely available. She also gave a demonstration on making sanitary napkins. Members who are interested in helping can give items to Sharleen at any time. Instructions can be found on the DFG website.
Debbe updated us on the Festival of Trees. It has been decided that our quilt will be the premiere auction item at the Opening Gala for the FOT. The quilt will be displayed during the entire Festival. It will be presented to the Council of 101 meeting on Oct 23 at 12:00 at the Orlando Museum of Art. Any OMQG members are welcome at this meeting to see the quilt presented.
Linda explained our next charity project, which is to make quilts for the Veterans Home in Lake Nona.
Members may participate in a "quilt as you go" project, or make their own quilt. Finished projects are due at the Feb 2015 meeting. Finished quilts should be 48-50" wide and 60-70" long. Quilts do not have to be red, white, and blue, although Linda will be making a sample quilt from the "quilt as you go" supplies provided. Any modern quilt in masculine colors is acceptable.
October's Blocks of the Month
were won by Alissa.
Jodi displayed November's BOM, which is a Flying Geese pattern in fall colors. Instructions can be found on the OMQG website.
Door prizes were won by Karol
and Colleen.
Debra asked that members email her any suggestions they might have for our December holiday party.
"I wish I had made that" was won by Caroline.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45.