Minutes of the Meeting on Sept. 7, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
2 min read
September 7, 2011
10:00 -12:00 Noon
Sewing Studio
Maitland, Florida
I. Sign in, Meet and Greet.
There were at least 19 members in attendance.
II. The Guild Raffle Basket was won by Terry.
Everyone had the chance to show off their September blocks of the month before the drawing. They were won by Jodi.
IV. September mini quilt swap.
The following photos show the receiver in the swap holding the mini quilt while standing next to the quilt maker.
V. Other Guild Business
Habitat Challenge blocks are due Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Rene showed several challenge blocks that were turned in early.
Charity Project. We would like to have the lap size quilts, wheel chair size quilts and other projects for men and women to be donated at a local VA nursing home by the November Meeting.
Rene announced the little houses block of the month for the October meeting. She will post a link to one set of optional instructions. The blocks should be 12 1/2 inches unfinished and should have a white/neutral background.
Rene is our guild's contact person for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (www.alzquilts.org). She gave general instructions on how you can register your donation quilts and she has offered to accept donation quilts once a month from members to register them for anyone who does not want to go through the online registration process.
Mary Sorenson will provide a full day needle turn applique workshop on January 21, 2012. More info will be forthcoming.
Stitched: The Film, a documentary (http://www.stitchedfilm.com/) following three quilters preparing for the International Quilt Festival is going to be shown in Orlando in October. When we learn of an additional information we will share it with OMQG members.
Rene gave tips on using the OMQG flicker sit at www.flickr.com/groups/omqg/.
VI. Show and Tell