The subject came up at the February meeting about some members not receiving emails from the guild (you should have received one TODAY February 8th from Marge) nor communication for the MQG Mothership.
Concerning the MQG. In order to receive the newsletter and other news emails, each member must individually go into their own MQG account and edit.
Here's how:First ensure it isn't going into your email spam box
If not, Go to the MQG Website here
on the top right corner, then sign in with your own personal login
On the right of the page you will see Communication Preferences
Ensure BOTH boxes are checked
Click Update
Next check that they have your correct email by
Clicking the Edit Tab
For our Orlando Modern Quilt GuildFirst check your spam box to ensure the emails are not going there
Next ensure your own email is correct on the roster. (mailed today)
If you do not have access to the roster, please email Marge (ATTN Marge/email, and she will be happy to check for you. Or you can add a comment here to this post.If you are a NEW member or ANY of your information has changed please fill out the complete membership form.
If you have any further question you may also contact Debra through her email on the roster or ATTN Debra,