President Marge Cree welcomed all to the November 2, 2022 General Meeting.
Announcements were made as follows:
Wednesday, December 7, is the next meeting - social, art quilt challenge voting, and lots of time for show & tell
Guests Isabel and Doreen were welcomed
New members Susan and Wanda were welcomed
Next year's schedule will go back to monthly meetings starting in March (no February meeting)
Officer nominations process has started - nominations open until December 10, candidates and voting to occur at the January 2023 meeting. Jeff Rich is the nominating committee chair, with members Carla Santor and Ede Nault - please reach out to them if interested in serving this great Guild!
Pamela Edwards gave the Treasurer's report, showing that we are currently underrunning the budget in both income and expenses YTD, but that we do have some expenses coming up, especially for postage (Navajo Project)
Kathy Aber gave an update on Community Outreach:
We are still collecting placemats, drawstring bags, pillowcases, bibs, call for blocks, and House Next Door quilts for kids
She shared the QuiltCon quilt pattern and color scheme that is being worked on - this will be sent to QuiltCon in January, and then returned to us to benefit the Adult Literacy League
Kathy talked about the Navajo Project, where members are asked to bring in fabrics/notions/thread to the January meeting to donate to this great cause
Finally, she shared the Festival of Trees quilt that over a dozen members worked on - and it is beautiful!
The Charity Basket winner this month was Debbe King!
The Block-of-the-Month winner was Marge Cree!
Cara Dobrev shared the January Block-of-the-Month, instructions for which will be sent out to members on December 1.
Our program featured tips, tricks and tools from Jane Allingham and Nimmi Kroos. Jane shared her best techniques for working with triangles, and Nimmi shared her favorite way to use half-square triangles for a mitered corner. Then everyone broke into smaller groups, shepherded by Paula Kennedy, to talk about our own favorite tips, tricks and tools. It was very educational and fun!
Show & Tell came last, and here are some of the beautiful items that our members have been working on: