OMQG Meeting MinutesNovember 7, 2012Sewing Studio in Maitland18 present I. Meet and Greet II. November BOMJodi won the November Blocks.
III. December BOM
Alejandrina showed a sample of the December Block of the Month.
The blocks are to be red, green and white strips with the addition of circles or other simple shapes on some of the red and green strips.
IV. Raffle Basket
The basket was won by Terry.
V. Ugly Challenge
The ugly challenge blocks will be used in a donation quilt. Kathryn won a package of Insul-Bright in the Ugly challenge drawing.
VI. Other News
--Judy was surprised with a quilt made by OMQG members as a comfort for her recent loss.
--Jodi is still collecting hand made kitchen items for Habitat for Humanity.
--Jodi showed off the quilt labels for OMQG purchased through Sweetwater Street.
OMQG Member, Mary Sorenson is participating in the AAQI Celebrity Invitational Quilt Auction. The auction is active now.
--OMQG member, Rene Martinez, is a finalist in the Favorite ROYGBlV (color wheel) Quilt Category of the Blogger's Quilt Festival. Voting is still open.
--November Sew Day is the Class with Carolyn Friedlander. Michelle will take photos at the class and post them online.
--December Sew Day is the third Saturday in December.
--December Meeting
We will have a Christmas swap for any interested participants. Bring a small wrapped handmade item to swap. (A mug rug is an example of a small handmade gift.) Members are also encourage to bring to the meeting appetizers or finger food to share. We would like to have simple to share and clean up food items.
--The meeting room is not available for the January Sew Day. The group decided that we will have a field trip instead with visits to quilt shops in Orange City and Deland and lunch in Deland.
--Sew Days from Feb through June will all be the third Saturday of the Month
--The Modern Quilt Guild will be participating in a new Fabric Challenge, Madrona Road by Violet Craft for Michael Miller Fabrics. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
VIII. Demo by Maya
Maya showed samples of using mirrors in fabric projects and talked about how the supplies and techniques used.
V. Show and Tell