General Meeting
November 7, 2018 10am
The Sewing Studio Classroom
Sarah opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests.
The Lake Mary Life issue with the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild article was released this month.
You can see the
Lake Mary Life Articlehere on page 73.
Festival of TreesThe Festival of Trees quilt was presented to the Council 101 for the event on Friday night.
The committee who worked on it did a wonderful job. The quilt will be featured on a large wall by itself and will be the feature.
The quilts for the Samaritan Village Residents were presented. Members also donated gently used clothing for their Resale Shop that helps fund their mission.
An opportunity to demo modern quilting along with the other fiber arts at the art festival. The event is November 17-18th. For more info visit their site.
The Maitland LibraryThe guild was asked to display quilts during the month of January. The theme is curves and Mary Sm has offered to coordinate the quilts so contact her if you would like yours displayed.
Lake Mary Historic CenterTheir fiber festival is in February and the guild will be displaying quilts. Email
orlandomodernquiltguild@gmail.comif you would like your quilt displayed.
Nomination CommitteeKarol Evans is heading up the Nomination Committee this year. Contact her or Julia Hunt or Linda Casey if you have a nomination for a board position. See
Bylawsfor list of positions and roles and responsibilities. All board positions have openings this coming year. Nominations are due by December 20th. Speeches can be giving during the January meeting. Final nominations are due before the February meeting. Voting will occur during the February meeting.
was won by Nancy Jardin.
November's BOM was presented by Love.
Ede asked members to share their Paintbrush Studio Color Challenges and point out which fabric they added.
Zonetta presented this months financial report.
While FOT and Samaritan's Village projects have wrapped up there are still a few other opportunities to donate quilts or placemats during the remaining year and early 2019.
Jane explained the plans for the holiday party during the December meeting. Make a small handmade and sewing related item that fits in a paper bag to be exchanged. Sew days can organize a party for their day. Share details with Jane or Ashley so they can be shared with all members.
The quilty basket was won by Sue
If you have any last min
ute questions email Marge.
Opens at noon
until noon
Monday. There is
1 parking pass per room.
You can attend for a day, the room is open from 6am - midnight. Alissa shared the mystery block requirements if you choose to participate
- 4 sets of instructions - 5 fat quarters for 20” block, white, light grey, orange, yellow, cobalt blue
Kelly featured 2 books from the Guild Library. A Common Thread by Gwen Marston and The Modern Quilt Guild book.
Door Prizes
Brainstorming Session
Paula initiated a brainstorming session to get ideas for programs for next years board. Members made small groups and wrote down their ideas and then they were shared with the group.
These ideas were recorded and will be shared with the 2019 Board:
Small projects, what other things can we make
Tips on photographing quilts
Member trunk shows - feature member per meeting
Round robin/traveling group
Dyeing fabric demo by member
Spring retreat
More speakers at meeting like sashiko
Demo using rulers on domestic machine - Linda at flourishing palms
Color theory - contact at sewing studio, Tita Reno
Rayna Gilman just moved to Boca as a speaker
Carolyn Friedlander class
Day trips by bus
Technology with quilting skills
National quilt museum block of the month, starts April 1st
sustainability or eco or upcycling quilting
Evening sew day during week at Bernina
Sew day demos or sew day festival
Pillow swap
Modern quilting class
Free motion quilting class
Domestic machine quilting, planning marking, etc.
Small groups and bees
Sister guild or traditional pair up
Big guild exhibit to fundraiser
10 year anniversary celebration
Make quilts to represent heroes
Focus charity projects, 1 big and a few smaller
Book and pattern sale
Show and TellKate's Queen Bee Says Selvage Blocks
Beth's Improv Blocks
Sarah made the fabric for her handmade skirt.