The Guild held an in-person meeting at the Maitland Community Park on Wednesday, and a fun time was had by all! Ede opened it up with a welcome and talked through the following business items:
•We’re planning for the November and December meetings to be held in person at the Sewing Studio, but please make sure to read the newsletters for final arrangements in case we have to change
•Scrapapallooza will take place at the November meeting – more details to come in the next newsletter
•January’s meeting will be on Zoom because we have a speaker already scheduled
•Maitland Library sew day takes place on the Monday after our monthly meeting – next two are Oct 11 and Nov 8
•New library procedures: library books are listed on the website – if you want a library book, please email Kathy Aber and request it to be brought to a meeting
Marge covered the retreat update, and Sue shared information on the community outreach items we’ve been working on. During Show & Tell, Karol Evans shared the incubator cover she made:
Paula shared that the updated Guild directory was emailed out on Sunday, but the link has now expired. If you still need it, you can email her or Dawn. Important to note that this directory is for Guild members only – please do not share, send to anyone else, or use for any other purposes other than contacting Guild members for Guild business.
Our Guild members are so talented! During Show & Tell we saw so many different quilts that showcased that talent. Pictures are below.
Cherie Zabel – multiple styles
Kelly Eskin – getting her sew-jo back
Pam Abrams – spiders for husband’s October birthday
Nimmi Kroos – all scraps!
Karol Evans – in addition to incubator cover
Debbie Zopp – Halloween themes
Julie Becker – memory quilt for a friend
Jolyn Catledge – Florida home and Jelly Weave
Margaret Wesley – art quilt
Caroline Garnier – finished up the mystery quilt, and made her dress!
Finally, our Fabric Stash Sale was a big success! We raised over $450 towards the Guild’s expenses for next year. Thanks to those who donated money, donated fabric/patterns/books/notions, and those who purchased items!