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October General Meeting Minutes

Oct 7, 2019

3 min read





October 2, 2019 10 A.M.


1. Welcome and Introduce Guests

Ede welcomes 

everyone to our 10th Anniversary Celebration Meeting.  61 people are attending the meeting.  Ede introduces the 4 members of the Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild

and welcome 5 guests.

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2. Officer Reports

a. President 

Please mark your calendar, our first meeting of the year will be on January 8th 2020 as the Sewing Studio has the New Year sale the 

previous week.

Ede thanks Pamela, Beth and Rene for representing the OrlandoMQG at the Fiber Festival.  It was a great event, creating exposure for the Guild.  One of the favourite exhibit was the Under water crochet project.

b.Vice President

Block of the Month

Susan is the lucky winner of August and September BOM, although there were 2 different random draws.  We can't wait to see the quilt(s) she will sew.

Debbe presents October BOM: as we all gearing for the end of the year celebrations, Debbe chose an easy block, the Shoo Fly block.  You can use any colour as long the background is white.  The instructions will be on the blog very soon.

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Call for Block - Road to Tennessee block drawing

Kelly reminds that whoever brought the most Road to Tennessee blocks is getting a gift card from the Sewing Studio.  Catherine Carr send a massive 65 blocks and won the 

gift card.  Thank you Catherine for your wonderful contribution.  Alissa has volunteered to mail to card to Catherine.  Keep the blocks coming, we will have another draw next month.

Pincushion parade and swap

Thank you Debbie for being the master organiser behind this swap with the Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild.

Julie (President), Cary, Joy (Treasure) and Jenni brought their guild's pincushions for the exchange as well as a bottle of 'adult beverage' which will be enjoyed at our next Sewing Retreat.

Julie explains that their Guild is now year 2 old.  Jenni was the first president.  There are 2 guilds in Sarasota:  the first one is limited to 50 members, so Jenny started a second one and it has ground to over 70 people.  The Guild meets the 1st Thursdays of the month at 6pm, they just had their first ever retreat.  More details about the Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild can be found on their social platforms: 





The Sarasota Modern Quilt guild recently had a presentation on how to transform antic glasses into pincushions, so there might be some in the exchange.  Please share your pincushion on Instagram with the hashtag #s2mqg.

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c. Treasurer - Financial Report

We had 4 new members joining the Guild in August.  So far our spending is in line with the b


3. Library Spotlight

As Aradria is unwell and couldn’t be at the meeting, there's no Library 

Spotlight.  Members who borrowed a book at the last meeting, get to keep it for an extra month.

4. Quilty Basket

The Quilty Basket is presented by Ede, and won by Betty.

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6. Programming:  Ten Years in the Making!

Rene, founder of the guild along with Michele, shares why and how the Guild came to 



Beth talks about the first charity drive the Guild got involved in - quilts were made and brought to a Nursing home in the Dr Philipps area.

i. Slide Show

The Slide show can be found on YouTube:



ii. Mini show and tell of “first projects”

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Ede encouraged everyone to join a class with the guild as it is always a great opportunity to meet people, even if you are not interested in the technical aspect.

iii. Guild gift!

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Yes, we all got a fancy fan, and some 


7. Show and Tell

As we warp the meeting, Ede thanks everybody in attendance and also explains that this guild wouldn't be what it is without members' participation and as the elections for the new board are approaching, she encourages everyone to think about getting involved.

Oct 7, 2019

3 min read





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