The Election Committee is currently accepting nominations for officers for next year's Board. The current Board recently decided to expand the voting membership of the Board, to reflect the growing size of our guild and to enable more members to participate. In addition to the current officers of the Board (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Founding Members), the Education and Charity Program Coordinators will now be elected positions and voting members of the board. In addition, the position of Member At Large was also created. Descriptions of all positions can be found here. (You will also find descriptions of a number of committee positions. These are appointed positions, not elected ones, but if you have an interest in participating in any of the listed committees, please let the Election Committee know, and we will pass the information on to the incoming board members.) If you are interested in a position on the board, or would like to nominate a person to an office, please contact the members of the election committee: Ede N., Karol E., and Jodi P. All nominations must be received by the committee by Dec. 17 at the latest. And please don't hesitate to contact a committee member to ask questions about the offices, or the election process. Potential officers will be asked to speak at January's meeting, with the election to follow. New board members will take over their positions starting in March. We are excited about the changes and the coming year--we hope you are too! We look forward to hearing from you!