Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Maitland, FL
President Alissa called the meeting to order; 41 members and 1 guest were present.
Deb, Mary W and Alissa reported on QuiltCon West 2016 in Pasadena, CA, last week. Asked the cost, they said it ranged from $500 to $900, depending on their situation (hotels or relatives’ homes), including air fare but not purchases. Alissa said the best thing was how friendly everyone was, even the big name quilters. She made a number of contacts with potential teachers for future guild classes. She asked Patti to look into the possibility of guild members renting a house together in Savannah during QuiltCon East 2017 next February.
quilt entry runs july 1 – nov. 30.>TREASURER’S REPORT
Joan received membership forms and dues for renewals and new memberships, including 4 new members. Each person joining received a gift of a Modern Quilt Guild tote bag, mug, journal or project bag.
Cara returned the Raffle Basket with a bottle of wine and several childrens fabrics and patterns along with other special items. The basket was won by Leandra.
Sharleen reported that the group supporting the deploying Florida National Guard troops, for whom the guild made hundreds of pillowcases, are requesting items to fill the cases before the soldiers leave. To contribute items, bring them to the March 7
Sew Day or the April 6
snack items – hard candy - M&Ms – gum – crackers – jerky – pretzels – chips – nuts – granola – notes to the soldiers – note pad & pen – eye drops – hand sanitizer
Sharlene explained the current annual guild charity project, providing 70 quilts to the House Next Door, a nonprofit which serves child victims of sexual abuse. She has received 8 so far. The quilts to be donated should be 48” x 60”, though smaller will be accepted. Alissa has a new longarm and volunteered to quilt members’ quilt tops for the project.
There will be a charity challenge announced at the May meeting which will be due at the June meeting.
March 4-5 – Lake County Quilters Guild 34Annual “FAN”tastic Quilt Show, Lake Receptions, 4425 Hwy 19A, Mount Dora (9-5 on the 4
; 9-4 on the 5
March 7 – Sew Day, 10-4, Maitland Public Library·
March 17-19 – Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Lakeland, The Lakeland Center (10-6, on the 17& 18
, 10-5:30 on the 19
March 19 – Sew Day, 10-4, Dr. Phillips Public Library·
April 6 – OMQG Guild MeetingAlissa has discussed the possibility of a 3
Sew Day monthly with the owner of the Bernina Sewing Center in Lake Mary, who is interested in doing something modern there. She will confirm details and mail a survey to members about days and times and member interest.
Alissa, for the guild, thanked the outgoing officers and others for their service to the guild and gave a gift certificate to each: Yanick, Deb, Ede and Marge, officers, and Linda, Charity Coordinator, and Debbe, Education Coordinator.
Deb, Marge, Yanick, Ede
In other changes of personnel, Tanyia noted that some have stepped down from the Block of the Month Board but Kate and Jodi are remaining with new members Alexis, Diana, Frank and Patti, with Tanyia in charge of the Block of the Month.
Alissa announced that Ede is the new Education Coordinator.
Alissa has lined up a class with Mandy Liens, author of Wanderlust Quilts, and of Manderlei Quilts (, who is interested in teaching a one day and a half day class May 7-8, one on her machine appliqué technique, one on her improv-on-a-photo technique. Because that is Mother’s Day weekend, Alissa will verify the dates. Members voted confirming their interest in having Mandy Leins teach.
Karie Jewell of Two Kwik Quilters ( is interested in teaching here this summer; her class would teach any one of her patterns. Alissa will email members details about both classes.
Christa Watson ( will be teaching a class in September.
Alissa explained the UFO Log to new members. It is available on the blog. Add UFOs to your list any time. The member completing the most UFOs, and others chosen by drawing (one ticket per UFO completed), will win prizes at the December holiday party.
The fabric auction will be most of the April 6th meeting. Proceeds go to the guild.
Tanyia announced a mini quilt swap with the Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild. Members wishing to join the swap will be partnered with a Las Vegas guild member. No extras are allowed except a card introducing you to your swap partner. Minis are to be 12”-24” each side, any shape, with 2 months to complete them. Tanyia will collect and mail them as a group.
Tanyia demonstrated making a woven table runner from 30 – 2-1/2” strips and 30 – 1-3/4” strips of fusible fleece.
Frank demonstrated making interesting strip-pieced blocks from a jelly roll (2-1/2” strips) and a honey bun (1-1/2” strips) of blac
Alissa explained tagging on the internet, that adding the tag #OrlandoMQG (NOT #OMQG) in the comments section when you post photographs online will tag the guild in your post allowing anyone to touch the hashtag and link to the guild on Instagram. She said to use “#” not “@”, that @ only pulls up the OMQG official feed while # pulls up all tags of the guild. # indicates a topic which makes your posts more public, easier to find, and is a way of keeping projects together. Tanyia has created a hashtag for the Las Vegas Mini Quilt Swap: #VegasMeetsOrlandoSwap.
Tanyia announced that lunch this month will be at 12:30 following the meeting at the Miller Ale House on US 17-92.
Yanick brings the new guild library of quilting books to each meeting. See her to see what is available and to check out books, which must be returned at the following month’s guild meeting.
March’s Blocks of the Month were won by Sara.
Diana explained the Block of the Month for April. Directions are available on the guild blog.
Two members received tote bags from QuiltCon West 2016 and one received a pattern from QuiltCon signed by the designer by random number drawings during the meeting.
Remember to return membership forms for this year to Joan, if you haven’t already, so we have current information for everyone, and remember to return the Las Vegas Mini Quilt Swap forms to Tanyia
by March 25th.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.