Florida Quilt Shows This Quarter So much to do and see! Here is a short list of Florida Quilt shows and their websites. Comment below, or on Facebook and possibly some of us can go together! Quilting in Paradise January 23-24, The Villages, www.QGOTV.orgQuilt Fever January 23-24, Orlando, www.floridacabinfever.com/home-page/quilt-show/Quilter's Crossing January 30-31, Clearwater, www.quilterscrossing.netAiring of the Quilts February 7, Venice, www.sarasotamodernquiltguild.comSunBonnetSue Quilters February 13-14, Vero Beach, www.sbonnets1979.org/nextshow.htmlSpace Coast Quilters February 13-14, Titusville, www.spacecoastquilters.comOriginal EXPO March 5-5, Lakeland, www.sewingexpo.comQuilting Celebration March 14, Tampa, www.quiltersworkshop.org/quiltshow.html AND More, check out www.floridaquiltnetwork.com/calendar.html