Quirky Scrap Quilt Along Part 3 - We have a sponsor!!!
Jun 9, 2017
2 min read
How are our Quirky Quilting Friends doing with our quilt along? I haven't been seeing as many photos being posted and I am worried that we are losing a few of you. But I am not going to worry for long because I believe our latest information is going to light a fire under you!
We have a Sponsor!! This is such exciting news and you are going to love, love, love it when you hear who it is!
Are you ready?
It's Rifle Paper Company!!!! If you don't know who that is then it is time to explore their website. I will warn you that you can get lost in there.
You may be wondering why a paper company is sponsoring a quilt guild. They have a fabric line!! I know you will recognize their fabric as it is a very popular line with Cotton and Steel and I know you have seen so many lovely things made with it. Go ahead and drool over all the beauty for a while because when you come back you will be motivated to catch up on your Quirky Scrap Quilt.
So now I will assume you are ready for your next assignment. It is time to start sewing blocks. We will be making four-patch blocks with all the 2.5 inch strips that you cut. If you haven't finished your cutting yet, just focus on getting the strips cut and then you can cut the others later as the pace is slower from here on out. For detailed instructions, just visit Sewn by Leila. Be sure to follow her on instagram (@SewnbyLeila) and click around her blog for some fun reading and cute quilts.
Here are some of my blocks.
If you aren’t a member of our guild you are still welcome to play along with us. Just upload your pictures to our community Facebook page or on Instagram using #QuirkyScrapQuiltAlong and be sure to tag @SewnByLeila and @OrlandoMQG. Sadly, only members are eligible for any gifts for completing their quilts but your posts are a great motivator and community builder so please let us know you are playing along with us.
Speaking of the gift for completing the quilt, I don't know what it is yet. So my question for you is: Do you want to be surprised or do you want me to announce it when I find out? I can't decide which would be better and I don't know if I can keep it a secret even if you all want to be surprise. So let us know what you prefer.