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Quirky Scrap Quilt Along Part 5 - We're in the final stretch!!

Aug 6, 2017

2 min read




I have seen quite a few finished Quirky Scrap Quilt tops on Facebook and Instagram!  Some of you are such overachievers! This month's assignment is to put the top together.  If you are still catching up on your blocks, don't worry.  First of all, there is no pressure at all to have this quilt done in any set time frame.  However, we still have a small gift from Rifle Paper Company for everyone that does finish before the end of the year.  Be sure to check out the beautiful items that match their beautiful fabric.  They have a great shop in down town Winter Park. I have said before that the two main reasons I love Leila's Quirky Scrap quilt is: 1.  It uses a TON of scraps.  So many other scrap busting projects just use a few scraps and a lot of yardage for backgrounds.  Those are nice and all, but I really want to bust through my scrap pile.  2.  The quilt may be busy but it has a sense of order to it.  If you notice, every other block is an un-pieced 4.5 inch blocks that we cut out several months ago.  They are alternated with pieced blocks.  Also if you look closely you will notice that the HST blocks all have the diagonal lines going the same direction and they are all forming a diagonal line as do the four patch blocks.  The QST blocks are mixed in with the HST blocks. This is difficult to describe but here is a photo of a sketch I made.  I have shared it with a few of you and you said it was helpful so I will post it here in case it helps others.  Just ignore the chicken scratch in the margins and the size of my quilt is off, so don't use it as a guide.  Originally, I was going to make my quilt a little larger but have since decided to make two, similar quilts instead.

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Do you see the pattern now?  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call, text or email me.  I will be glad to help you out.

Of course you are in no way obligated to use the same pattern.  If you see another beautiful design while you are arranging your blocks, then, by all means, feel free to use it.  The goal of this Quilt Along is to use up scraps instead of us all making the exact same thing.

For more details please visit this post on Leila's blog.  Don't forget to follow her on Instagram and to tag any of your Instagram posts with the #QuirkyScrapQuiltAlong  @SewnbyLeila and @OrlandoMQG.

And here is my finished top.  I love the busy but still sweet pattern.  I know just the right person to give it to as well.

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Aug 6, 2017

2 min read





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