General Meeting
September 5, 2018 10am
The Sewing Studio Classroom
Jane and Marge took turns running the meeting in Sarah's absence.
This month's icebreaker was a continuation from last month. The challenge was to make a nametag for a member you met at the August meeting. Members showed off their nametags they made for themselves or a new friend.
Debbie K. won the prize because her birthday is this month.
PresidentA reminder about the Fall Fiber Festival at the Orange County Library Downtown location, Sunday September 30th. If you are interested in volunteering at our booth, please email
The Maitland Rotary Festival is coming up in November. More info will be shared at the next meeting.
Block of the MonthThe
August BOMby Alejandrina was won by Ashley.
Karol presented her block for September.
The Scan and Cut group shared their progress in learning how to use their machines.
This month's Queen Bee Says, Marge shared the blocks she received.
Kate E. shared they blocks she received from her Improv Group.
Love shared the blocks she received from the blue bees Improv Group.
Leslie shared the block she received from her Improv Group.
The Scrappy Quilt-Along group will Show and Tell their finished quilt tops at the November meeting.
The Modern Sunset Quilt-Along group will share their progress at the November meeting with the final Show and Tell at the February meeting.
ProgrammingBring your ideas for future meeting programs to the November meeting.
Michael Miller Fabric ChallengeRene passed out the bundles for the Michael Miller Fabric Challenge for QuiltCon 2019.
TreasurerZonetta gave the Treasurer's Report.
For a detailed update for this month, see the
Another large stack of placemats was donated for Meals on Wheels. This organization has been so appreciative of our guilds gifts.
The Show and Tell for the Samaritan's Village quilts will be at the October meeting and they will be gifted in November.
The Festival of Trees quilt is nearly complete and will be shared at the November meeting.
The Assisted Living Facility Trunk Show will be in January so start making lap or wheelchair sized quilts for the raffle. There will also be a quilt show.
QuiltCon Charity Quilt blocks were collected and assembly will start at the Maitland Sew Day. If you haven't turned them in yet, then send your finished blocks to Kathy or Alissa.
RetreatMarge is still collecting door prizes. So far about 40 members are attending and there is still time to sign up and book your rooms.
LibraryKelly shared some of the new books that were recently added. Remember to check out our great selection of books from the
list on the blog.
The Melissa Averinos class was cancelled.
Alissa won the Quilty Basket.
Ede presented this month's program, a multi-part presentation on color theory.
Details about the challenge are