Orlando Modern Quilt Guild
September 1, 2010 Meeting Minutes
The monthly meeting at the Sewing Studio was called to order by Hope. Members in attendance were Alejandrina, Beth, Cara, Heather, Hope, Julie, Sylvia and Michele. Guests included Fran, Judy, and Lisa.
The treasurer's report showed 21 members paid to date as of August 31, 2010. The balance in the checking account was $821.25. Two members have submitted payment for the October 2
workshop and two members paid dues during the September 1 meeting.
Beth gave an update on our charity project. We are supplying holiday gifts to 25 residents of a nursing home in Windermere. These particular residents do not have family or friend visitors. Our guild is making lap quilts, shawls, eyeglass cases, bibs, walker bags, etc. Whatever you'd like to make, post it on our site. There are links to patterns as well. Let Beth know what you can make, so we get a good mix of items. Beth will collect items as we near our deadline. The nursing home would like to have a small party on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 to distribute gifts.
October 2, 2010, Juanita Yaeger is scheduled to host a workshop -- “Machine Quilting and Great
Endings.” Juanita will give insight and instruction on how she quilts on a home machine and finishes her quilts. The workshop will be held at the Dr. Phillip library, where we have our Sew Days. Participants will have their own table and need to bring their machine and a few supplies. The member price is $30. The guild will subsidize $25 toward the normal class fee. Non-members will be charged $55. There is a small list of supplies needed for the workshop. Click the Juanita Yeager Workshop tab above to get the details. Please sign up and pay by September 15.
Our new website has been finalized. The original site wanted to start charging a monthly fee and the second site was not user friendly. Rene', our president, has set up a free site on Blogspot as some of the other Modern Quilt Guilds have done. The site is easy to navigate and you can leave comments on any of the posts. The site is:
http://theorlandomodernquiltguild.blogspot.com. Members are encouraged to update their information. There is a Flickr photo hosting account so we can display photos of our work.
Members were reminded to bring their “Ugly Fabric Challenge” item to the meeting October 6.
Julie provided a fun demo to make a custom-designed orchid brooch for our group. She developed a pattern, provided kits and supplies to all the meeting participants and walked and talked us through the process. We all ended up with beautiful orchid brooches.
The meeting ended with show and tell.