We want to know if you'd be interested in joining a Bee within the OMQG. Depending on the number of interested members, we'll create small hives that will work to make blocks for their hivemates.The idea is that at the end of a certain time frame, you'll make blocks for others and you'll receive a set of blocks. (These will be separate from the guild's BOM lotto blocks. We want you to still make those blocks to win, too.)If you've participated in online Bee exchanges, you know the fun of getting blocks in the mail to put together. The beauty of forming hives within our guild is that you'll save on postage while expanding your creativity. The board also hopes it will also be a way for members to get to know each other even more.We are working out the exact way we will order groups based on an estimate of how many of you may want to join.We are planning a rotating schedule of bees you may want to join (i.e. solids only, mod fabrics, scrap busters, mini blocks) so be on the lookout for a specific survey via email soon.Log in to the MQG site to record your vote.
Take our poll now!