Tuesday's Tips and Tricks: Fabric and Colors
Apr 2, 2013
1 min read
Here are some tips when matching fabric and thread for your project:
Jackie offers this tip she found for organizing paint samples and adapted to quilting purposes:
Cut a two inch square of each of the fabrics you want to find coordinating fabric and thread for; punch a hole in the corners; slip onto a key chain; take these with you to the fabric shop to match fabric and thread color.
Speaking of color, The Modern Quilt Guild's Week of Color Tutorials on the MQG website is a great reference. My favorite (and one I really need to make) is by Sew Katie Did on color value.
One tip I have regarding choosing colors that work well together in a quilt is to look to nature. Design Seeds is a wonderful website that features glorious photographs and their color palettes.
Last week's post included discussions on free motion quilting. I have found another post that provides quite a bit of information and links to even more information. Check out Katie's FMQ post.
How are you enjoying these Tuesday's Tips posts so far? Any comments or suggestions? Let's keep those tips and tricks coming!